Science And Internet Communications
Communication Design and Management

Doctoral Program in Communication Design and Management

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, communication and media technology is developing rapidly and leading to structural and comprehensive transformations in different areas of society. The planning, design and management of communication processes are becoming increasingly important in our country as well as in the world. In this process, the design and management of physical and Internet technology-based communication is increasingly meaningful in social life, daily social and communicative practices and professional fields. The Internet, as a convergence area where digital media serves users globally in unlimited numbers and in real time, is an essential platform for the production, distribution and reception of information, knowledge and entertainment content, as well as an important activity area of individual, social and professional life through computer and mobile communication.

“Communication Design and Management” PhD Program envisages the development of new theoretical perspectives and research methodology, the development of interdisciplinary research forms and the production of knowledge, and the planning and implementation of learning processes according to the dynamic requirements of the period we live in, which is the purpose of the establishment of our Communication Science and Internet Institute. The research areas of communication science are shifting from interpersonal communication to mass communication, and in this process, the design and strategic management of communication in both physical and digital environments are becoming increasingly meaningful.

“Communication Design and Management” PhD Program, with an interdisciplinary perspective, places the design and strategic management of social communication processes at its center with an open orientation to innovation and development in the fields of communication and media technology. The PhD program focuses on strategic communication design and management, new strategic communication orientations such as interculturalism and global networking, as well as digital social network interaction, comparative international communication in digital social networks. The proposed PhD program will fill an important gap in our country and in our university’s Communication Science and Internet Institute; and will respond to the needs of our undergraduate and graduate students as well as graduates of other universities, academia and the sector.

Prof. Dr. Füsun Alver

İletişim Tasarımı ve Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı


Graduate School of Graduate Studies Student Affairs

Communication Design and Management Doctoral Program Officer Nurşah Doğan Bulut – 444 0 413 / 4250