Science And Internet Communications
Master’s Program in Cinema

Affiliated Department: Department of Visual Communication Design

Cinema most certainly constitutes an important breaking point in our age where visuality plays a dominant role in determining the perception of reality. In its 125 years of development, film has changed like other branches of art, transformed in parallel with social and technological developments and diversified itself by associating it with other communication channels.  The Master’s program in cinema, which was opened within the Department of Visual Communication Design at Istanbul Ticaret University, aims to examine and question this process from all aspects.

The Master’s Program in Cinema aims  to train researchers who can analyze and investigate the development of society and make original contributions to social change and development processes. It is imperative to have original approaches about the historical development and contemporary character of culture and art to understand, analyze and give direction to rapidly changing and transforming social realities in connection with globalization. For this purpose, a program in which research will be conducted on cinema’s social, intellectual, and aesthetic problems is proposed. In the program cinema will be examined as an art, an institutionalized industry, a philosophical method and a universal cultural phenomenon and the approaches within film theory will be critically questioned.

The Master’s Program in Cinema aspires to explore the transformation in cinema technologies, the structural effects that the digital film practices address to the cinema, and the production of scientific works regarding the development of digital cinema in Turkey. The program also offers a critical view of the development processes of both World Cinema and Turkish Cinema history while addressing the ethical and aesthetic questions posed by cinema. Thus, The Master’s Program in Cinema seeks its prospective students to -analyze the place of cinema discipline in social change and development in the globalizing world;

-question cinema in line with the historical development and contemporary qualities of culture and art;

-examine the social, intellectual and aesthetic problems of cinema;

-evaluate the development in cinema technologies together with the contemporary structure of cinema;

-reconsider the historical development of cinema in Turkey critically;

-discuss contemporary Turkish cinema in theoretical, aesthetic, ethical and socio-cultural frameworks by comparing it with essential examples of World cinema.

Graduate School of Graduate Studies Student Affairs

Cinema Graduate Program Officer Nurşah Doğan Bulut – 444 0 413 / 4250