First Training of FORESIGHT Completed

February 10th, 2020

Within the scope of the project entitled “FORESIGHT- Future Oriented Education for Students Incorporating GSC in High-paced Times” carried out under the leadership of Istanbul Ticaret University and in partnership with Fontys Academy for Creative Industries (Netherlands), Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary), Karel de Grote University (Belgium) and Basque University of Bilbao (Spain), the first training was held with the participation of 100 students from five universities in the City of Antwerp of Belgium.

During the course of the training financed by the European Union Erasmus+ program, participating students received training on “United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Future Forecasting, Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Model”.

The Director of the Social Sciences Institute of İstanbul Ticaret University Prof. Dr. Figen Yıldırım and the Project Coordinator and English Economics Department Faculty Member Dr. Oğuz Demir also attended the program representing our University, which was held between January 27 and January 31 with the participation of 20 students from İstanbul Ticaret University.

20 different group studies were carried out with the participation of one student from each university, who previously took the FORESIGHT – Sustainable Innovation for Global Issues course opened at our University. Various sustainable development goals were discussed in the group studies, and the modeling for the year 2050 was made for each goal. Within the framework of these models aimed at year 2050, students worked on the problem-innovation relationship by developing common business models for a better future. On the last day of the event, students presented their group work in TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks format.

The second training program to be realized within the scope of the project will take place in City of Bilbao of Spain in November also with the participation of 100 students from five different universities.


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