The Project to Increase the Capacity for Applications to the European Union Projects was Launched

December 31st, 2020

In order to increase the capacity and performance of our University in respect of project development and application processes aimed at European Union funds, the “Project to Increase the Capacity of Istanbul Ticaret University for Applications to the European Union Projects” was developed in cooperation with the Istanbul Ticaret University European Union Application and Research Center and Istanbul Ticaret University Technology Transfer Office. It was decided to implement the project for a duration of 6 months with the support of the Publication, Research and Project Coordination Board of our University (YAPKO).

Four scholarships students studying in the graduate programs of our University were selected to participate in the said project, which was developed under the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Oğuz Demir. In this context, these students will be offered training programs aimed at funding programs such as Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, COSME etc., in order to gain the skills necessary to develop projects for European Union funds. At the end, the University will have qualified human resources on European Union project funds. These students will support our academicians who would like to develop projects aimed at European Union funds and to apply for such projects, both in the application and writing processes.

Our scholarships students who were appointed to this project are as follows:

1- Nurie Ahmed – Business Administration (English) – PhD program

2-Javid İsmayil – Business Administration (English) – Master’s Program with Thesis

3- Başak Güroz – Marketing Management – Master’s Program with Thesis

4- Mehmet Berkin Binay – Statistics – Non-Thesis Master’s Program


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