General Information

Research and Project Development Academy is a member of the T20 National Advisory Board.

Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants Economic Expectation Index-1

You can access the results of the Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants Economic Expectation Index 2021 (1st & 2nd quarters) prepared by the collaboration of the University of İstanbul Ticaret Research and Project Development Academy (DUPA), Economy and Finance Applying and Research Centre (EFAM) and Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants (IYMM) via clicking here.

The result of the Economic Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic Period is published.

The study was started as of April 2020 with the aim of revealing the negativities experienced in the companies during the COVID-19 pandemic process and the solutions proposed to these negativities by the collaboration of IYMM, DUPA and EFAM.

CSCPA Expectation Index study -has been carried out since 2017- an indicative index on real economic expectations is calculated and shared with the “Contemporary Turkish Economy” panel series. Since the 2nd half of 2019, the scope of the study has been expanded and the problems of the enterprises and their solution advises are analysed. This study aimed to see the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and to investigate the solutions to these side effects.

You can access the study via clicking here.

Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants Economic Expectation Index 2

You can access the results of the Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants Economic Expectation Index 2021 (3rd & 4th quarters) prepared by the collaboration of University of İstanbul Ticaret Thinking and Project Production Academy (DUPA), Economy and Finance Applying and Research Centre (EFAM) and Istanbul Chamber of Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants (IYMM) via clicking here.