Today economical and financial developments are positioned on the center of life. Understanding economy and truely evaluation of financial developments have become very significant. İstanbul Commerce University Economy and Finance Management Implementation and Reserach Center has a dynamic system that follows timely economical and financial imrovements. Center realizes its activities by cooperation with public and private units on national and international level.
Management parties of center:
Director, board of management, advisory board, center units and project groups.
Daetailed Activity Areas Of The Center
  • Research, review, implementation, study, development and doing project
  • Tracking, reviewing and evaluating of idicators and developments of economical, financial and trade on global level
  • Development, implementation, doing studies and researchs on analysis and prediction models as modelling, simulation and scenario planning
  • Monitoring and evaluating of developments related to commercial, economical and financial stability on national and global scale
  • Efficiency analyse models developing on economical, financial and commercial decisions and implementations
  • Implementation of neuroeconomics approach on analyse of basic and market indicators
  • Organising in-service taining, course, seminars, certificate programmes and similar activities and participating similar organizations which are constituting by other institutions and providing successful students and related academicians to these activities.
  • Auditory services to public and private units, doing scientific and technical cooperation, on this context benefiting by infomation, human and infrastructural resources of mentioned units, lastly estabilishing partner work groups, partcipating to partnerships and producing partner projects.
  • Doing scientific publishing as a result of findings by research an implemntation works. Sharing the scientific results to public, finanial networks and scientific networks.
  • Atthe frame of developing and acivation of center’s works, constituting scientific and technical infrastructure, realising documentation activities icluding collection periodical and non periodical publishing
  • Doing studies other areas of center and executing other missions that will be given by university

Corporate Cooperations




