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- ALACA, Ö., ALTHUNİBAT, S., YARKAN, S., MİLLER, S., QARAQE, K., (2021), CNN-Based Signal Detector for IM-OFDMA, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), , Aralık
- ELEZİ, E., ÇANKAYA, G., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., (2019), A Detection and Identification Method Based on Signal Power for Different Types of Electronic Jamming Attacks on GPS Signals, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), , Eylül
- GÜVEN, E. Y., YAĞCI, Y. M., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., AYDIN, M. A., (2019), A Survey on Backbone Attack, 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), , Haziran
- KAZDAĞ, C., ALACA, Ö., EKTİ, A. R., YARKAN, S., (2019), On the Investigation of Bandwidth Allocation for Short-Range and Long-Range Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD’19), , Mart
- TEKBIYIK, K., ULUSOY, E., EKTİ, A. R., YARKAN, S., BAYKAŞ, T., GÖRÇİN, A., KURT, G. Z., (2019), Statistical Channel Modeling for Short Range Line-of-Sight Terahertz Communication, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), , Eylül
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- TOKGÖZ, S. C., RUBEN, B. R., YARKAN, S., QARAQE, K., (2019), ACO-OFDM Transmission over Underwater Pipeline for VLC-based Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), , Eylül
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- BOYACI, A., ÖZPINAR, A. M., ÖZTÜRK, E., YARKAN, S., (2015), EV2C Extended Vehicle to Cloud Model and Conceptual Implementation for Big Data, IEEE Sixth International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’15), , Mayıs
- AKI, F. N., YARKAN, S., ZAİM, A. H., (2014), Electromagnetic Interference Measurements at 2 4 GHz ISM Band in A Hospital, Global Conference On Healthcare Systems Engineering (GCHSE 2014), , Ağustos
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- ALACA, Ö., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., (2016), A Low-cost, High–precision Signal Generation Algorithm and Prototype Implementation for Software-Defined Radios, The 9th National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, , Aralık
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- KÖSEOĞLU, Y., BOYACI, A., (2022), Detection of Involuntary Movement with Wearable Technology, 4th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, , Haziran
- MUKALAZİ, A., BOYACI, A., (2022), The Internet of Things: a domain-specific security requirement classification, 4th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, , Haziran
- ALACA, Ö., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., AYDIN, M. A., (2019), A Statistical Modulation Type Identifier for Remote Keyless Entry Transmitters Based on Extended Energy Detector, 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), , Haziran
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- GÜVEN, E., YAĞCI, M. Y., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., AYDIN, M. A., (2019), A Survey On Backbone Attack, 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), , Haziran
- TOKGÖZ, S., ANOUS, N., YARKAN, S., BOYACI, A., QARAQE, K., (2019), Performance Evaluation of White LED-based OFDM-VLC Systems with Blue Filters: Experimental Study, 16th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD’19), , Mart
- ALACA, Ö., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., (2018), A Low-cost, High-precision Signal Generation Algorithm and Prototype Implementation for Software-Defined Radios, 2016 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (ELECO), , Aralık
- ALACA, Ö., KIRMAN, G., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., (2018), Empirical Analysis of The Performance of Radiometer for Digitally Modulated Signals, Proc. Computational Methods and Telecommunication in Electrical Engineering and Finance (CMTEEF 2018), , Mayıs
- SERİN, D. A., BOYACI, A., ÖZPINAR, A., YARKAN, S., (2018), An IEEE 802.11x implementation for V2X communications towards IoT and big data, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, , Nisan
- EKTİ, A. R., BOYACI, A., ALTAN, A., ÜNAL, İ., YARKAN, S., GÖRÇİN, A., ARSLAN, H., UYSAL, M., (2017), Statistical modeling of propagation channels for Terahertz band, 2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), , Eylül
- KARAKAŞLI, M. S., AYDIN, M. A., YARKAN, S., BOYACI, A., (2017), Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Detection in Twitter, First International Telecommunications Conference (ITelCon 2017), , Aralık
- TOKGÖZ, S., BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., (2016), A Secure Communications Prototype Implementation for PSTNs operating on Physical Layer, 2016 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (ELECO), , Aralık
- BOYACI, A., AKI, F., YARKAN, S., (2015), On Error Variance for Autoregressive Process-Based Spectrum Occupancy Prediction with Energy Detector for Cognitive Networks, IEEE 11th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC ’15), , Ağustos
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- BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., SÖNMEZ, C., (2015), Fractional–Rate Radiometer for Spectrum Sensing Based on I/Q Branch Separation, IEEE 23rd. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU ’15), , Mayıs
- BOYACI, A., YARKAN, S., ZAİM, A. H., (2013), Identification of Shadowed Fast Fading Interference in Celullar Mobile Radio Systems, 21st. IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2013), , Nisan
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