Color Applications in Cinema

The seminar “Color Applications in Cinema” organized by Istanbul Ticaret University Visual Communication Design and Film and Animation Workshop was held live on Timm TV in TV Studio on Tuesday, April 12.

Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Gözde Sunal moderated the event, Color Expert Alper Camadan came together with the students and talked about how he met with color, the steps of color correction processes, his journey about the production process of the short film “Numbness” he shot, and the place of the DaVinci program in the market.

Stating that the DaVinci Resolve color program is a student-friendly program, one step o Camadan underlined that Hollywood quality works can be done by taking place in the sector for many years.

Referring to the problems experienced while making the color of a film or TV series, Camadan talked about the solutions developed to the problems experienced and the importance of feeding from other interdisciplinary art branches while making color.

At the end of the event, Visual Communication Design Department Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Gözde Sunal presented the certificate of participation to the event speaker, Color Expert Alper Camadan.