“DaVinci Resolve & Basic Editing with MediaCast” workshop organized by Istanbul Ticaret University Visual Communication Design and Film, Animation Workshop was held on Thursday, April 07 at the TV studio.
Mert Kafalı from MediaCast, the guest of the event, came together with the students in his workshop “DaVinci Resolve & Basic Editing” and explained the basics of editing and technical color applications were made through the DaVinci Resolve program. The event continued in the form of questions and answers by showing applications from sample works. Talking about the basics of the DaVinci Resolve program, the color table and the basics of editing, Mert Kafalı stated that they can start with any editing program.
At the end of the event, Visual Communication Design Department Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Gözde Sunal and Visual Communication Design Department Specialist G. Berk Sarac presented participation certificates to Mert Kafalı and Bilgehan Çoruhlu.
During the event, students gained experience on color in editing, the logic and theory of editing.