Visual Communication Design 2023-2024-Spring Term Final Exam Schedule -Revised-30.05.2024
Department of Visual Communication Design 2021-2022 Spring Semester Make-up Exam Schedule (Revised 10.06.2022)
Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 1st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 2st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 3st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 4st Year
Gorsel-Iletisim-Tasarimi NOTE: “Since Turkish Language I and Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I courses are common university courses, the exams of these courses will be held simultaneously in Küçükyalı and Sütlüce Campuses in a classroom environment. Our students will take these exams at the campus where their departments are located. The information about […]
Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 1st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 2st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 3st Year Visual Communication Design Undergraduate Program 4st Year
2022 – 2023 Spring Semester Midterm Program
Visual Communication Design 2023-2024 Spring Semester Midterm Exam Schedule
Faculty of Communication 2023-2024 Fall Semester 2023-2024 Make-up Make-up Exam Schedule