3rd International Islamic Economics and Finance Graduate Student Symposium

International Touching Life With Akhi Order Symposium In 27-28th October

International Touching Life With Akhi Order Symposium in 27-28th October will be carried out by our center and Leadership and Entepreneurhip Application and Research Center as online and face to face. Important dates: Deadline for Abstract Submissions: October 18, 2021 Announcement of the Accepted Abstracts: (will be responded within 3 days) Abstract Publishing Date: October […]

3rd Economical Problems of Turkey and Solution Offers of Islam Economy Workshop

3rd Economical Problems of Turkey and Solution Offers of Islam Economy Workshop was carried out on Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University at 21.12.2019. Istanbul Commerce University Islam Eonomy and Economical Systems Implementation and Research Center Director Professor Necdet Şensoy has participated to workshop and shared ‘Central Banking In Terms of Islam Economy’ presentation.  

Consistency of Participation Finance Principles With UN Sustainability Targets event

Consistency of Participation Finance Principles With UN (United Nations) Sustainable Development Targets event was carried out at 10.12.2019 that was honored by the participation of Rector Professor Yücel Oğurlu and Vice Rector Professor Necip Şimşek. This was the fist event of the center for 2019-2020 academic year that contained a presentation.  

İKAM 9th İslam Economy Workshop Invitation

9th İslam Economy Workshop are realized by İKAM on 17*19 Sept. 2021. Workshop is realized on the partnership of Istanbul Commerce University. All of workers and volunteers of Istanbul Commerce University are incited to the workshop. HES code is mandatory. Here is invitationinvitation.