4th Gender Justice Congress themed ‘Divorcement’ will be held on March 8th, 2018, in partnership with the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) and the Istanbul Ticaret University Women and Family Application and Research Center, with a view to contribute to the making of new studies on women, dissemination of the knowledge accumulated by bringing together the researches in the field of women’s studies, elimination of the existing deficiencies in the women’s literature, and drawing attention to the issue of women and family in the context of gender justice.

The Congress will pave the way for bringing different perspectives on the place and status of women in social, academic, political, economic and social life in our country, in the context of ‘Divorcement’ and gender justice. The Congress is expected to contribute to establishing an interdisciplinary discussion platform where information and experiences will be shared by enabling the exchange of ideas on the deterioration of family and unity of family and on the suggestions for solutions thereof, paving the way for the discussion of new searches for the solution of the problems that cause the deterioration of unity of family in today’s conditions, and establishing the infrastructure of social policies, new strategies and practices carried out to support women and families.

Participation in the congress is free of charge. Word count of the abstracts to be submitted for evaluation should be between 500 and 600. The abstracts accepted for presentation will be included in the abstract book, and the first three abstracts selected among the accepted abstracts will be granted an award, provided that they submit the respective full papers in the required format. Participants will have the opportunity to have their full papers published in KADEM’s Journal of Women’s Studies after they present the respective abstracts at the Congress and if deemed eligible for publication. Accordingly, the papers, the full manuscripts of which are submitted for publication and which successfully complete the editorial and referee evaluation processes, will be published in a special issue of KADEM’s Journal of Women’s Studies dedicated to the Congress.

Congress Date: March 8th, 2018

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: January 1st, 2018

Notification of Accepted Abstracts: January 9th, 2018

Deadline for Submission of Full Papers: February 23rd, 2018 (Word count of full manuscripts must be at least 2500)



First Prize: 5.000 TL

Second Prize: 3.000 TL

Third Prize: 1.500 TL


The call for abstracts is open to participants from disciplines such as women’s studies, economics, law, political science, health, anthropology, sociology, psychology, culture, arts and communications.


Topics to be Covered by the Congress


Strong Family Ties and Turkey

Changes in the Roles of Mother/Father in the Family and the Problems Thereof

Changes in Family Communication and Sources of These Changes

Starting and Being a Family

Rights and Responsibilities of Spouses in Marriage

The Opportunity of Pre-Marriage Education

Marriage and Power Relationship


Family Dysfunction and Divorcement

Socio-Economic Processes Affecting Divorce

Anger Control and Levels of Violence



Possibility of Supporting the Family Before Divorcement

Effects of Social Media on Family Unity


Social Infrastructure and Reasons for Divorcement

Divorcement and Intergenerational Relationships

Family Dynamics After Divorcement

Parenting and Divorcement

Effects of Divorcement on Individuals (Women/Man/Child)

Effects of Spouses’ Families on Divorcement


Legal Arrangements: Alimony, Custody and Coparcenary

Mediation Institution and Its Structure

Law No. 6284 and Its Implementation

Custody and Shared Custody

Divorcement, Custody and Alimony in Islamic Law

Period of Divorcement and Alimony

Protection of the Child’s Law during and after the Divorcement


Style and Writing Guidelines for Abstracts

Abstracts should be submitted in two languages, both in Turkish and English.

Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman font, in 12 font size, and with 1.5 line spacing. Word count of the abstracts should be between 500 and 600. Number of keywords should not exceed 5.

The figures and tables to be submitted along with the abstract should be sent separately as an appendix of the abstract.

The spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis in writing of the text in Turkish, and Turkish words should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. In the event that certain words, which are unconventional in respect of Turkish language, are needed to be used in the text, then the foreign language equivalent of the word should be given next to the word in parentheses, in both Turkish and English, and only at the first occurrence of the word in the text.

The title of the abstract should consist of a maximum of 10 to 12 words and be presented in both Turkish and English.

Names/surnames and titles of the authors, as well as the names of the institutions they work for should be included under the title of the abstract.

All resources that are used in the abstract and benefited from should be given under the heading of References in alphabetical order and in a separate page. The format of citations should be as follows; “Author Surname, Name (Publication Year) Book Name (in italics) or Article Name, Journal Name (in italics) Place of Publication: Publisher, number(s) of pages of the referred text in a journal”. Book titles should be written in italics, article titles should be written in regular letters, and the journal name should be written in italics. In addition, citations made from unpublished sources should be cited in a manner that would fully disclose the source.

For topics not covered here, please see the APA citation guidelines. Source: American Psychological Association (2015). APA Publication Manual. (10th ed.). Turkey, Istanbul: Kaknüs Publications.

The texts that do not conform to the style and writing guidelines for abstracts set forth herein will be sent back to the authors for necessary corrections.

Abstracts shall be sent to via e-mail. Abstracts should be submitted by January 1st, 2018 at the latest. Participants will be notified of the acceptance/rejection status of their abstracts as of January 9th, 2018 at the latest.

Congress Regulation Committee

Prof. Dr. Nurgün Oktik (Congress President)

Prof. Dr. Nurgül Keser

Prof. Dr. Yücel Oğurlu

Prof. Dr. Oya Dağlar Macar

Doç. Dr. Sare Aydın Yılmaz

Doç. Dr. Elif Hobikoğlu

Doç. Dr. Fatma Ayanoğlu

Doç. Dr. Fatih Aysan

Doç. Dr. Özgür Sarı

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Şule Albayrak

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ebru Şensöz Malkoç

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Zeynep Kevser Şerefoğlu Danış

Dr. Esra Albayrak


Congress Organization Committee

Meryem İlayda Atlas (Chairman of the Committee)

Betül Altınsoy Yanılmaz

Hande Yücel

Güllü Sonakalan


29 September 2020
5th Gender Justice Congress List of Accepted Papers