5th Gender Justice Congress List of Accepted Papers

5th Gender Justice Congress List of Accepted Papers

Corresponding Author/First Name-Last Name Paper Title
Abdullah Aydoğan Divorcement by Separation as a result of Verbal Violence against Women in Ottoman Society: The Maraş Case
Aysel Özdemir,
Assist. Prof. Dr. Funda Budak,
Abdurrezzak Gültekin
Effects of Divorcement on Child’s Mental Health
Psy. Büşra Kahraman
Psy. Sümeyra Gemici
C.Psy. Tevhide Kahraman
Comparison of Parental Acceptance-Rejection Perceptions of Children at Primary and Secondary Education Level According to Children’s Custody Status
Canan Tatar Comparison of the ‘Hidane’ (Child Welfare) Practice of Islamic Law with the Practices of Today’s Law
Ejder Okumuş Divorcement and Religion
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihad Demirli,
Elif Kurtulmuş
An Analysis of Psychological Violence Between Spouses in terms of Demographic Characteristics
Elif Sarıca Darol
Betül Karapınar
Alperen Karapınar
Comparative and Statistical Analysis of Divorced Women in terms of Stress-Related Diseases
Esra Narin Custody in Islamic Family Law
Research Assist. Fatih Düğmeci
Research Assist. Esin Gürsel
State’s Obligation of Care in Preventing Domestic Violence Against Women
Fatma Baynal Religiosity Factor in Relationships within the scope of Marriage and Divorcement
Gülcan Çetinkaya
Prof. Dr. Nalan Yetim
Different Views of Women’s Victimization in the Divorcement Process: The Mersin Case
Gülderen Durna Perception of the Concept of Family in Religious Radios
Assist. Prof. Dr. Halise Kader Zengin How Did We Teach the Republican Generation to “Be a Family”?: Religious Studies Lessons Sample
Assist. Prof. Dr. Handan Karakaya Analysis of the Divorcement/Divorcement Process in terms of Gender and Women
Research Assist. Hilal Yazıcı A Look at the Mediation Institution in Divorcement Cases in terms of the Protection of Certain Rights: Expectations, Concerns and Suggestions thereof
İlknur Aydın Avcı
Ayşe Çal
Changes experienced in spousal relations during the post-cancer process
Dr. İrfan Barut An Interdisciplinary Look on Socio-Economic Processes Leading to Divorcement in Turkey and on Children who are the ‘Orphans of the Divorcement Process’
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Kaya In Between Two Law Systems: Syrian Refugees Who Cannot Get Divorced
Research Assist. Meltem Yavuz
Research Assist. Meltem Akça
A Review of the Family-Work Conflicts, Stress, Burnout and Intention to Quit Work, by Marital Status
Assist. Prof. Dr. Selim Pullu
Merve Altınbaş
The Effect of Autism on Divorcement and Rate of Divorcements Featuring the Effect of Autism
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çevik Biological Gender Equality, Postgenderism, and the Future of the Concept of Family
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nergis Dama Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Causes of Divorcement in Turkey and European Countries in the 2002-2017 Period
Ömer Faruk Takım Divorcement, Custody and Alimony in Islamic Law
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge Apiş The Meaning of Attempt Against Life, Very Bad or Degrading Behavior as the Reason for Divorcement in terms of Turkish Criminal Law numbered 5237 and the Applicability of the Mediation Institution between Spouses
Lecturer Selda Karadeniz Özbek
Prof. Dr. Melek Kalkan
Psychological Support After Divorcement: Suggestion of a Model
Prof. Dr. Seldağ Güneş Peschke New Regulations on Digital Divorcement: Practices of Different Countries
Zuhal  Yeşilova
Semin Oğurtan
Emine Taşoluk
Emotional and Behavioral Trends After Divorcement
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Köşer Akçapar A Sociological Perspective on the Concept of Women and Remarriages in Divorcement Processes in Our Changing Society
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tebrike Kaya Love as a Communication Medium in Luhmann’s System Theory: The Role of Love in the Marriage-Divorcement Processes
Yasemin Kaygas
Gülhan Dinç
A Review of Divorcement Experiences of Divorced Mothers with Special Needs Children
Zekiye Demir Questions Asked to Religious Affairs Administration on Family Life and Reasons for Divorce
Ceren Kaya Mediation as a Remedy in Disputes related to Divorcements
Murat Yılmaz Religion and Having Children as a Value in Turkey


29 September 2020