6th GENDER JUSTICE CONGRESS-CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Gender Justice Congress is organized annually under the leadership of KADEM (Women and Democracy Association) Journal of Women’s Studies, of which Istanbul Ticaret University Women and Family Application and Research Center is a stakeholder, in order to contribute to the literature by bringing together the studies on women and […]
5th Gender Justice Congress List of Accepted Papers Corresponding Author/First Name-Last Name Paper Title Abdullah Aydoğan Divorcement by Separation as a result of Verbal Violence against Women in Ottoman Society: The Maraş Case Aysel Özdemir, Assist. Prof. Dr. Funda Budak, Abdurrezzak Gültekin Effects of Divorcement on Child’s Mental Health Psy. Büşra Kahraman Psy. Sümeyra Gemici […]
4th GENDER JUSTICE CONGRESS-CALL FOR ABSTRACTS-DIVORCEMENT 4th Gender Justice Congress themed ‘Divorcement’ will be held on March 8th, 2018, in partnership with the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) and the Istanbul Ticaret University Women and Family Application and Research Center, with a view to contribute to the making of new studies on women, dissemination of […]