NEWS Arşivi

A One World Ramadan event has become

‘A One World Ramadan’ event was carried out on 22.04.2022 at 15:00 by center as online. By Hamit Kardaş’s moderatorship with participating of Bi Dünya Haber executive editor and Bi’ Dünya Ramazan book author Hakan Emin Öztürk, GZT Eurasia Editor and İstanbul Ticaret University Political Science and International Relations Postgraduate Student Nazgul Kenzhetay and İstanbul […]

Again Asia event

‘Again Asia’ event was carried out on 17.02.2022 at 14:00 by center as online via Zoom. By Assist.Prof.Zebiniso Kamalova’s moderatorship with participating of Head of Uzbekistan Development Strategy Center Foreign Policy and Security Department Farrukh Khakimov, Director of Uzbekistan Development Strategy Center Eldor Tulyakov and Head Of Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University International Relations Department Assoc. Prof. […]

Ambassadors Speak To Us: Türkiye-Pakistan Relations event

‘Türkiye-Pakistan Relations’ event was carried out on 30.12.2021 at 14:00 by center as online. By honour and valuable sharings of Rector Prof.Yücel Oğurlu, linguistic, historical and cultural similarities of two countries were expressed. By Assoc.Prof.Uğur Yasin Asal’s moderatorship with participating of Consul General of Pakistan to Istanbul Bilal Khan Pasha and Pakistan Consulate General Trade […]

Religion, Politics and Ethnicity On Caucasia Event

‘Religion, Politics and Ethnicity On Caucasia’ event was carried out on 23.12.2021 at 15:30 by center as online. By Assist.Prof.Zebiniso Kamalova’s moderatorship with participating of Mokhmad Akhiyadov, İNSAMER Russia and Caucasia Researcher, Religion, Politics and Ethnicity On Caucasia and their interaction with Russia, region and Turkey were evaluated.

International Balkan Symposium

International Balkan Symposium has realised on cooperation of İstanbul Ticaret University, Ümraniye Municipality and UKİD in 17-19th December 2021. First day, opening session, exhibition and opening speaks were executed on hosting of Ümraniye Municipality at Ağaoğlu My City Hotel. İstanbul Ticaret University Vice Rector Prof Elçin Aykaç Alp has done opening speech. Opening session has […]

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Post-War State of Affairs and Impediments to Permanent Peace

‘The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Post-War State of Affairs and Impediments to Permanent Peace’ event was  carried out on 16.11.2021 at 14:00 by center as online. By center assistant director Assist.Prof.Kamala Valiyeva’s moderatorship with participating of Assoc.Prof.Maryna Ali Askerov, The Nagorno-Karabakh , victory, post-victory and protecting the peace were evaluated.

The EU-Ukraine “deep” trade agenda: the impact, resilience and rule of law perspective

‘The EU-Ukraine “deep” trade agenda: the impact, resilience and rule of law perspective’ event was carried out on 02.11.2021 at 14:00 by center as online. By center assistant director Dr.Kamala Valiyeva’s moderatorship with participating of Dr.Maryna Rabinovych, The EU-Ukraine trade relationships was evaluated in deep.  

‘Peacebuilding In Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Initial Success That Has Been Reversed’ event

‘Peacebuilding In Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Initial Success That Has Been Reversed’ event was carried out on 14.10.2021 at 14:00 by center as online. By center director Dr. Uğur Yasin Asal’s moderatorship with participating of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Iran and Malaysia Ambassador Dr.Emir Hadzikaduniç, existing case and management structure of Bosnia-Herzegovina and opportunities-threats were evaluated.

North Africa and Turkey: Relations From The Depth of History

North Africa and Turkey: Relations From The Depth of History event was carried out on 16.09.2021 at 14:00 by center as online event at Zoom. By moderatorship of center director Assist.Prof. Uğur Yasin Asal with participation of Turkey Republic Ambassador Ömer Faruk Doğan, history and today of North Africa on the scale of regional and […]

Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: Trends and Projections’ Event

Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: Trends and Projections’ event was carried out on 23.09.2021 at 14:00 by center as online. By Dr. Zebiniso Kamalova’s moderatorship with participating of Eldor Tulyakov as speaker who is Executive Director of Development Strategy Center of Uzbekistan, economical and politic directions of regional partnership based on Uzbekistan’s centricity was shared.