Tekno Tur took place at Teknopark Istanbul

Tekno Tur (Techno Tour), jointly organized by the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Application and Research Center of Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul Ticaret University Trade Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and Istanbul Ticaret University Entrepreneurship Society, took place on January 22nd, 2019 at Teknopark (Technopark) Istanbul, the innovation hub of Turkey.

Teknopark Istanbul, the natural stakeholder of Istanbul Ticaret University, is a technology hub established to create an ecosystem in which R&D activities, innovations, and technological production are supported, directly triggering entrepreneurship and the economy.

25 of our students as well as Director of Leadership and Entrepreneurship Application and Research Center of Istanbul Ticaret University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Öykü İyigün and Trade Technology Transfer Office specialist Özgür Yaran participated in the Tekno Tur organized by Teknopark Istanbul with a view to assist our students to determine their career paths. Within the scope of the Tekno Tur, Dr. Cem Duran, Deputy General Manager of Teknopark Istanbul, made a presentation to our students on Teknopark Istanbul and entrepreneurship. Following the presentation, Tekno Tur continuted with visits to the offices and laboratories of two of the Teknopark Istanbul companies, i.e., Doruk Automation and C2Tech, and ended with an information event on the Idea Cube Incubation Center.


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