Fotograf Gallery

Fotograf Gallery Arşivi

Bölümümüze ait anılar 2

Memories of our department 3

Memories of our department 5

Memories of our department 4

Memories of our department

2023-2024 Mathematics Department Orientation Program

Dear first year students, welcome to Istanbul Commerce University and the Department of Mathematics family! We are happy to have you join us in our new academic year. You are invited to our Mathematics Department Orientation that we have organized for you. Our orientation program, in which our Mathematics Department professors will also participate, will […]

Movie Days Begins!

The Mathematics Film Days event, in which the cult films “Good Will Hunting” were chosen for the opening, will take place on Friday, 07.05.2021 at 21.00 on the Zoom platform. All movie lovers are invited to the event where the film will be critiqued from a mathematical point of view at the end of the […]


