SEPIP 2020
For the International Congress of Smart Economic Planning and Industrial Policy (SEPIP), cooperation between OSTİM Technical University and Istanbul Commerce University Industrial Policy and Development Center has been achieved.
About Sepip
The objective of the Smart Economic Planning and Industrial Policy (SEPIP) Conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, regulators and policymakers from the globe with a view to share results of academic studies, exchange views, share experiences and discuss fresh ideas on industrial policy, economic planning and related contemporary tools to support economic development and national competitiveness.
SEPIP is organized by OSTİM Technical University and it aims at developing a platform that enables participants;
- to discuss economic development at national and regional levels and the role of industrial policy and planning;
- to compare early theoretical and practical motivations for national development planning with those now emerging in the globalized world economy;
- to present real-world experiences in industrial policy and planning by international scholars with firsthand experience;
- to discuss new tools and approaches to development such as physical infrastructure planning, industrial policy, and cluster policy.
The first SEPIP conference, held on 4 May 2014, attracted great interest and there was a wide range of attendance with international speakers from the USA and Europe to Singapore and Korea including academicians as well as policymakers and practitioners this year SEPIP aims at developing a platform enabling participants to discuss the economic impact of COVID-19 on the Turkish and world economy and this year’s main theme is Industrial Outlook and Policies after Covid-19 Pandemic.
Call for papers
You are invited to submit your scientific papers for SEPIP2020.
Papers should be written in English, the official language of the event.
Please, remember the following important dates:
- Abstract & work in progress papers submission deadline: 21 August, 2020. (included)
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: 11 September, 2020.
- Final paper submission deadline: 25 September, 2020. (included)

- Abstracts, work in progress papers, and final papers should be submitted online.
- There will be no 100 euro fee for manuscript submission from Istanbul Commerce University.
- The deadline for abstract and work ın progress papers submission is 21 August 2020. (included)
- All abstracts, work in progress papers, and final papers must be submitted and presented in English.
- Abstracts should be based on topic areas listed in Sepip 2020 website.
- Abstracts may not be longer than 3500 characters including spaces.
- The minimum number of characters for an abstract to be reviewed is 1000 including spaces.
- After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email from the Sepip 2020 organization committee for confirmation.
- If you encounter any problems during the submission process or if you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact the conference secretariat:
- Fınal paper submıssıon: If your abstract or work in progress papers has been accepted, you should submit your final paper. The final paper length should be between 4 to 10 pages. (including references)
- A paper should contain the description of your study and should be structured in different sections such as abstract, ıntroduction, methodology, results, conclusions, acknowledgments (if applicable), and references.