Dear Students,
We are inviting you to İstanbul Ticaret University in Turkey that bridges southeastern Europe and Asia for both learning Turkish and collecting good memories. If you want to be a student at our university, we will be waiting for you at the Turkish Education Application and Research Center (Ticaret TÖMER).
Prospective students who have accepted to an academic degree program where the medium of instruction is Turkish are expected to submit their Turkish Language Level Exam Certificate, that verifies your Turkish Language Level is B2 or higher during their registration to the university.
Ticaret TÖMER Courses
Ticaret TÖMER provides education in the teaching of Turkish as a world language by the European Language Portfolio with modern methods and techniques. In accordance to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), learning Turkish journey at Ticaret TÖMER consists of five internationally recognized levels of language proficiency: A1, A2 (Basic), B1, B2 (Intermediate), and C1 (Advanced). The completion of a course offered for each level typically takes 7 weeks with 20 hours of training per week.
Ticaret TÖMER Exams
1) Türkçe Seviye Belirleme Sınavı (Turkish Language Placement Exam) measures the Turkish language level of foreign trainees and students. Students who enroll in a department /program whose teaching language is Turkish at the university, but who have insufficient Turkish or who do not have a certificate of Turkish proficiency need to take the “Turkish Placement Exam” was organized by the Center at the beginning of the enrollment period of each semester. Students who succeed in the exam are awarded a “Turkish Level Exam! Certificate” by the Center. Students who do not demonstrate minimum language proficiency level in the “Turkish Placement Exam” are placed students into the appropriate language class, offered by the “Turkish Preparatory Program” of the Center, based on their exam score.
2) Kur Sınavı (Turkish Language Achievement Exam) is done at the end of each level of courses. Students must be successful in four basic skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) in this exam for passing a level of course. Students who do not succeed in the examination at the end of the class must repeat the course.
3) Türkçe Seviye Tespit ve Muafiyet Sınavı (Turkish Language Proficiency Exam) assesses the Turkish levels of individuals who learn Turkish with other institutions or personal efforts Those who are successful are awarded a certificate of competence/proficiency in the Turkish language.
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Communication
- Graduate School Of Finance
- Foreign Trade
- Natural And Applied Sciences
- Communication Science and Internet
- Social Sciences