Transport shows a rapid development in parallel with globalization and economic growth in the world. Especially in our country, mega projects are generally related to transportation systems, such as Marmaray railway, Avrasia tunnel, 3rd Istanbul Airport, etc. We offer academic and practical support to the local and central govermental institutions in terms of transportation and urban systems. As a result, the activities of the Center can be grouped into 3 headings:
- Academic Activities
- Projects
- Media
1- Academic Activities: The manager of the Center, Prof. Dr. Mustafa ILICALI, is also the Head of the Urban Systems and Transportation Management Gradute Program and he represents the Center and University by attending in symposiums, conferences, congresses and fairs. Especially, in the framework of the gradute program, an academic protocol signed between Istanbul Commerce University and the Union of Municipalities of Turkey. Consequently with the protocol, the capabilities of the employees rise as a result of the increase in number of the graduates.
2- Projects: The projects that are studied by the Center sprawled all over Turkey. Numerous projects are carried out by the Center. The mentioned projects include report studies, feasibility studies, consultancy, and implementation studies.
3- Media: The Center is well-known in transportation field as a result of the great efforts of Prof. Dr. Mustafa ILICALI, the manager. The evaluations and statements we made as a center in the fields of transportation and traffic attract great attention from the media.

Prof. D.r Mustafa ILICALI
Establishment Objectives of the Transportation Systems Application and Research Center:
- To conduct scientific research on transportation planning and infrastructure.
- To increase traffic order and safety, to carry out education, research and to contribute to practices,
- Carrying out academic studies on transportation systems and planning, with particular emphasis on urban transportation, and establishing relations with relevant central and local units within this framework,
- Taking into account the urbanization policies in our country, carrying out research and studies with a multi disciplinary approach on transportation, preparing reports to the related institutions,
- To organize and participate in national and international conferences related to transportation in order to be update,
- To establish consultative, educational and research relations between the university and private and public institutions,
- To organize courses, seminars, conferences, congresses in accordance with its purpose.
Project Topics:
- Transportation Master Plan
- Urban Transportation and Traffic Planning
- Traffic Regulation Projects
- Traffic Circulation projects
- Geometric regulation and design
- Lane Discipline in Traffic
- Horizontal and Vertical Marking
- Signaling
4. Transportation Planning
- Public Transportation Planning
- Logistics Center Planning
- Railway Projects
- Business and Shopping Mall Traffic Studies
- Junction and Road Application Projects
- Open and Closed Car Park Circulation Projects
Our Research Report Topics
- Efficiency research of urban transport systems
- Cost-benefit analyzes, efficiency evaluations in urban bus management
- Transfer centers in urban transportation
- Traffic accident analysis
- Traffic safety on urban roads
- Bus station planning in urban bus management
- Parking lot management and operation
- The effects of driver psychology on traffic safety
- Traffic Safety
- Alternative urban transport systems
- Contributions of intelligent transportation systems in urban transportation network
- Integration of transport systems
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Communication
- Graduate School Of Finance
- Foreign Trade
- Natural And Applied Sciences
- Communication Science and Internet
- Social Sciences