Istanbul Commerce University Transportation Systems Application and Research Center, on the one hand, carries out transportation projects with public institutions and private sector organizations, on the other hand, it offers graduate programs to those working in the field.
Istanbul Commerce University Transportation Systems Application and Research Center brings together the representatives of the private sector, central government, local government, non-governmental organizations and universities in the field of transportation and provides coordination for joint projects. The center is also involved in educational and project activities as well as academic studies.
The center, many projects and reports such as transportation master plan, logistics master plan, traffic safety, public transportation planning, management and improvement, feasibility studies are carried out. In this context, academic activities are carried out to ensure that the limited resources are used by local and central governments in the most effective way by revealing a well-equipped workforce. Summary of the ongoing projects and works are given below.
The social responsibility project ‘No Minor Mistakes in Traffic’, which the Center carries out together with the General Directorate of Private Education Institutions of the Ministry of National Education, it is aimed to teach the traffic rules to our primary school-age children through theater performances as both a visual and auditory education method. Within the scope of the project, 31 thousand 418 students with their families (approximately 126 thousand people) have been reached through 224 performances. With the public service ad, 7 thousand 285 presentations were made, including the mainstream media. A total of 27,500 followers were reached on the social media accounts of the project. Due to the pandemic, it is aimed to share the video of the theatrical performances with students both on social media and via EBA which is retome teaching program of the Ministry of National Education. In addition, the Manager of the Center, Mr. ILICALI, is editor of a radio program called ‘No Minor Mistakes in Traffic’ on Radio Traffic every week within the scope of the project.
Hundreds of people graduated from the Urban Systems and Transportation Management Graduate program, which has been continued for years in cooperation with local and central government within the scope of educational activities. Generally, people who work in local and central government and urban transportation and traffic departments of the relevant institutions apply to this program. The program contributes to obtain a better quality service by increasing the knowledge of local and central government employees on urban transportation and traffic.
We continue to work with the General Directorate of Istanbul Electric Tramway and Tunnel Operations (IETT) on a system with a higher capacity than the current metrobus system and operating on the same route. Within the scope of this study, the systems that have greater capacity than the current capacity of the metrobus system will be compared with each other. The comparison takes into account with many criteria such as automation, system specifications, etc. The most applicable and optimum system proposal will be selected in terms of price performance. With this project, it is foreseen that the density of Istanbul in the public transportation system will be less and the risk of contamination of the pandemic in these days in public transportation vehicles will decrease.
Some of the projects executed by the Center are given below.
We continue to carry out various projects in many regions of Turkey. The report of Analysis of Domestic Railways Signaling Needs has been carried out with ASELSAN, and the report has contributed to the localization of signaling projects in railway in Turkey.
Within the scope of transportation and passenger density modeling with TUBITAK Marmara Research Center and YAZ-KAR, studies are carried out to test and develop the sterilization of the transit system against coronavirus by using air conditioning systems in public transportation vehicles. The results of these studies continue to be reported to the relevant authorities.
Currently, some of the ongoing projects with municipalities are Samsun Metropolitan Municipality High Capacity Transit Sytem Proposal, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Feasibility Report of the High Capacity Transit Sytem Proposal, Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Feasbility Report of High Capacity Transit Sytem Proposal, Zonguldak Municipality Urban Transportation System Improvement and Geometric Improvement and Junction Design for Bodrum Municipality.
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