International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce was Held and Streamed Online on May 9-10
The first of many, in ICICI series, welcomed 36 participants from 10 different countries from universities in Eurasia region.
The conference started with the speeches of our Rector Prof. Yücel Oğurlu, Prof. Figen Yıldırım, Head of Department of International Trade, and the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Turkey to the OECD Prof. Kerem Alkin and followed by the sessions on important topics, including but not limited to:
– streamflow models developed in order to benefit from water resources in more sustainable ways,
– slow fashion movement formed by sustainability concerns in the fashion and textile sectors,
– environmental uncertainty factors and the effects of innovation on export companies’ supply chain processes,
– sustainability-oriented transformation of food technologies and agriculture sector,
– The effects of the Ukraine-Russia War on global trade.
The conference was broadcast live on the YouTube channel of our university in order to support the dissemination of the researches in the international trade literature.
You can access the video of the opening ceremony and speeches from the link below: