WEBINAR: E-CRM and Integration in Digital Transformation
17 August 2021
You are all invited to the Webinar that we will hold with CRM and Integration Specialist Ekim AYYILDIZ on Istanbul Commerce University YouTube Channel. See you on 08.07.2021 at 12:00.
WEBINAR: E-Export Process and Advantages of E-Export
17 August 2021
You are all invited to the Webinar that we will hold with the "ebebek" Foreign Trade Operations Manager on the Istanbul Commerce University YouTube Channel. See you on 14.07.2021 at 15:00.
WEBINAR: Sales Tunnel Optimization in E-Commerce
17 August 2021
You are all invited to the Webinar which we will hold with Pfizer Education Manager Engin ÖZÖREN on the Istanbul Commerce University YouTube Channel. See you on 16.07.2021 at 15:00.