For the Academic Year 2019-2020 Spring Semester, student who wants to determine her/his thesis/term project subject and a supervisor should deliver the required form to the Graduate School of Foreign Trade until 18 February 2022. Incompletely signed forms will not be accepted. APPLICATION FORM For PhD Students (Link for the form) For Graduate Students with Thesis (Link […]
Graduate School of Foreign Trade 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Term Make-up Exam Schedule
Graduate School of Foreign Trade 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Term Final Exam Schedule
Students who will attend the “Thesis Monitoring Meeting” are required to send the attached form and thesis proposal reports to the Graduate School Administrative Office and Thesis Monitoring Jury Members by e-mail until 12 May 2021. 21-25 June 2021 (Thesis Monitoring Committee Meeting Period)
Students who will take the “PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Exam” must send the attached form and thesis proposal report to the Graduate School Administrative Office and Thesis Proposal Jury Members by e-mail until 25 May 2021. 28 June-02 July 2021 Thesis Proposal Defense Exams THESIS PROPOSAL DEFENSE DATE NOTIFICATION and THESIS PROPOSAL REPORT SUBMISSION […]