International Conference On Contemporary Issues In Commerce

“International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce” is an international conference that will convene on 9-10 May 2022. The international conference is planned to be held online.International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce conference aims at addressing the critical issues in a world regarding international trade and commerce. The conference is also open to interdisciplinary studies. […]

Graduate School of Foreign Trade Webinar Series – 3

Organized by Graduate School of Foreign Trade, the third event of our Webinar Series, ” The Dance of Brands with the Crisis”, will be held on 04.06.2020, at 4.30 pm. It will be held on the Youtube channel of our university with our valuable guests, Ömer Şengüler from Global Magic Brands and the Manager of […]

Assoc. Dr. Murat Yalçıntaş, Social Enterprises: A Hope or a Temporary Fashion?

Graduate School of Foreign Trade Webinar Series – 2

Students who will attend the “Thesis Monitoring Meeting” are required to send the attached form and thesis proposal reports to the Graduate School Administrative Office and Thesis Monitoring Jury Members by e-mail until 12 May 2021. 21-25 June 2021 (Thesis Monitoring Committee Meeting Period)