Animation Film Production Process Workshop was held!

Animation Film Production Process Workshop with Film Director Barış Çorak!

Film Director Barış Çorak was with the students within the scope of “Animation Film Production Process” organized by Visual Communication Design and Film Animation Workshop on Thursday, May 18, 2023. He gave information about what animation cinema is, animation film production and production stages, advantages and disadvantages of stop motion technique.

Director Çorak showed films such as “You Are Memory”, “The Picnic”, “Stayhome” and shared his behind the camera process and experiences with the students. In the movie “You Are Memory”, he used approximately 2635 pages and 2635 frames in the story about a relationship that ended bitterly. In the commercial film “The Picnic”, he stated that he undertook the animator and director, the name of the characters was inspired by the movie Titanic and the figures were designed as a story set in a refrigerator about 14 cm tall. In the movie “Stayhome”, he underlined that it is a movie produced with a stop motion technique consisting of approximately 2018 frames by producing the model and decor of the movie during the pandemic period quarantine process.

Stating that he is working on a feature-length film to be released on a digital platform in the near future, Çorak said that he is focusing on a 4-5 minute stop motion animation project. Çorak stated that he used to work as a director in the field of advertising, but now he has expanded his career in the field of film directing. Çorak stated that in the field of cinema, he is mostly fed by the discipline of photography in the field of visual communication. He underlined that he has created a stock of photographs especially for himself and uses them to start a story.

He underlined that it is important for students to expand their networks before graduating and to shoot a lot of movies and produce something in the visual field before entering the sector.