Department of Visual Communication Design Orientation and Introduction Program was organized.

Istanbul Ticaret University Faculty of Communication, Department of Visual Communication Design organized an orientation and acquaintance program.

The program started with the opening speech of Visual Communication Design Department Head Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Şentürk and continued with the speeches of other academicians working in the department.

Prof. Şentürk, who started the program by introducing himself and other academicians in the department, talked about the scope of applied courses and theoretical courses and said, “This department has a multifaceted, multidimensional curriculum. It allows you to take basic courses in the first 2 years, and in the following period, it allows you to focus on a certain field with courses related to the field of specialization.

Stating that the Department of Visual Communication Design does not provide specialists for a specific profession, but for a wide variety of professions, Prof. Şentürk said, “Almost every profession is waiting for you, especially in the field of media. In our department, we have planned the theory and practical courses to consist of half and half. I hope you will take it seriously at the beginning. Instead of just sitting in the student chair, you have started a period in which you need to be more active, participatory and hardworking, you need to be productive and of course you need to read and think. I am hopeful that you will catch this excitement and achieve great things together. I wish you all success,” he said.