Çamdereli reads communication theories mostly through semiotics and linguistics, and creates unique conceptualizations in these fields. Within his book that is named Ordered- Unordered- Language, Communications, Governence; he finds inspiration from our own culture and makes significant contributions to the literature with its unique notions, He melts the thoughts of Western theorists and critics such as Saussure, Jakobson, Todorov, Martinet, McLuhan and Barthes in the pot of communication, semiotics, language and literature. While doing this, he establishes a communication bridge from the past to the present, with the intellectual breadth it offers by offering solutions to current issues.
It covers many sub-topics ranging from the differences in literature and literarity to language ethics discussions in the media, from the issue of the original use of Turkish to the current concept of governance, from the impact of digitalization on the perception of privacy to publishing.
His book is an imaginative and intellectual atlas in terms of both showing how much the original language of its author has come to perfection over the years, and following the developments and changes in the aforementioned fields, as well as mergers and divergences, by observing the serencam of the titles expressed in these articles.