Organized for the Second Time by the Public Relations and Advertising Department, “Influencer Fest” was Held at Istanbul Commerce University

Organized for the second time this year, Influencer Fest; Sponsored by Giftmundo, it was held at Istanbul Commerce University Sütlüce Campus Conference Hall between 28 November and 2 December. At the Influencer Festival; Yeşim Mutlu, Jülide Kır, Merve İpek Öztürk, Orçun Kürüm, Cheff Onur Kutluca, Duygu Geziyor, Özgür Özyurt, Batuhan Dönertaş, Ümit Temurçin, Opr. Dr. Bora was a special guest. On the first day of the program, the head of the department Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Gülay Öztürk. Our Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Celalettin Aktaş continued with his speech. On the subject of Lifestyle, on the first day, guests Yeşim Mutlu and Jülide Kır told the social media about their beginning stories and what kind of posts they shared; They emphasized that it is important to know the target audience while producing content. While Yeşim Mutlu conveyed the importance of reliability in new generation publishing, Jülide Kır emphasized that shooting reels is an important competency for agencies.

Contantine Content Marketing Agency Co-Founder Gizem Akbulut moderated the first session of the second day of the program. Merve İpek Öztürk was the guest of the session. Merve Ipek Ozturk; In their content, he talked about how important the brief is, how the brand should be chosen, and that influencers have the freedom to choose. Öztürk: “We prefer what we like and we like to promote products we love.” said. The guest of the second session was Orçun Kürüm. Institution; He emphasized sharing from life and shared these sharing strategies. Those who are interested in this job ask, “What am I?” stressed the need for reminders.

On the third day of the program, the first session was moderated by one of the department students, Kaan Mete. Chef Onur Kutluca was the guest of the session. Onur Kuluca; He stated that he does his job with great love and that the kitchen is a harsh and heavy environment. He stated that he attaches importance to naturalness in social media. Kutluca: “Social media should be a mirror of the person.” said. The guest of the second session was Duygu Traveling. Duygu Geziyor shared the tactics she used while traveling. He emphasized that he likes to share content that he enjoys on social media and that he does not post just because of popular content.

On the fourth day of the program, Özgür Özyurt was the guest of the workshop called Digital Branding. Özgür Özyurt talked about the tricks of digital branding. Talking about the creation process, Özyurt stated that while producing content that will contribute to people, it is necessary to be open to criticism. The second session of the program was moderated by Bilal Savaş, a student of the department. Batuhan Dönertaş was the guest of the session. Batuhan Dönertaş explained what he paid attention to when creating game projects and the stages of project preparation. Dönertaş: “If the network is solid and you have made a good career for yourself, you can reach much more successful places. That’s why networking is very important in the advertising industry.” He emphasized the importance of networking.

On the fifth and last day of the program, Ümit Temurçin was the guest with the workshop “You in the Fashion Career and Social Media Showcase”. Umit Temurcin; talked about successful designers and designs. Explaining how to design a good window display, he gave fashion writing tips to students. He conveyed his adventure of transition to fashion design and fashion writing. The second session is; It was moderated by Emir Can İzgi, a student of the department. Session Opr. Dr. Bora was a special guest. Oz; touched upon the points to be considered in brand sharing on social media and the legal problems that may arise in these media. He evaluated the subject of “collagen”, which was discussed in public, with the comments from the students. He talked about entertaining content.

Those who missed the program can access news and interview recordings from the Pradist blog and social media accounts. Hope to see you at another event…

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