Digital Communication Media Excursion: Parallel Realities 19-20 Spring Digital Communication Media Balassi Institute Parallel Realities Excursion

Our department had organized an excursion on Februrary 18, 2020 to the ‘Parallel Realities’ exhibition curated by Andrea Kovács and opened at Balassi Institute – Hungarian Cultural Center for the Digital Communication Media course with the code ICM104, the course’s director, Lecturer Gökhan KIYICI and course assistants R.A. Damla HOCAOĞLU, R.A. Feyza İLTER and R.A Umutcan PEKTETİK. It was held with the participation of students registered in the course under the responsibility of R.A. Umutcan PEKTETİK.


Within the scope of the tour, the ‘perception of reality, different perspectives on the environment and nature’, which was also mentioned in the exhibition presentation, was examined through the works revealed through art and new technologies. Each student participating in the trip, which aims to introduce students to the knowledge and skills required by the 21st century, has developed their experience and manners by personally trying the works of art whose experience is based on the interactive method. Their experience in the works produced with 3D printers, especially in ‘Augmented Reality’, enabled them to meet current technological developments in terms of their future professional careers. While enjoying the audio and visual media, our students, who successfully completed the puzzles, which are the analog outputs of the games produced in the digital environment, filled out the questionnaire submitted by the Cultural Center’s officials, which was expected to be filled anonymously, and provided important feedback for the exhibition. The short evaluation texts expected within the scope of the course will be developed by discussing in the class in the upcoming lessons.


By integrating the digital literacy reality that the digital culture we live in expects from each individual into the design education of students, we aim to introduce them to new production forms, new communication channels and new education methods that have emerged in this century, and we are trying to broaden their horizons so that they can develop themselves in this direction in the future. For this purpose, we aim to publish the ‘Digital Communication Media Dictionary’, which we expect them to create on the terminology of the relevant field, in various media at the end of the term.


Finally, we would like to thank the Dean of Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Architecture and Design for the transportation support they provided in the organization of the trip, and all the old and new instructors of the course, especially Umutcan PEKTETİK, who developed the idea of the trip about the exhibition and undertook the organization. We would like to express our gratitude to the staff of the Hungarian Cultural Center, who welcomed us in the best possible way and informed us about the exhibition, and to all our students who contributed to the realization of the trip.








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