Islamic Finance is a new scholarly discipline that is served by FIFC (and a Society) via organising conferences and publications.2 The five universities organising this year’s event are: Sunway University, Malaysia (the online host organiser) jointly with Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University & Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey (managing the Istanbul meeting on 8-9 October); La Trobe University, Australia; and Universitas Indonesia. CFA Society Malaysia and CFA Institute ARX are awarding two prizes for industry papers; and Emerald Publishing is awarding six certificates of excellence to winning author(s). Emerald Publishing Ltd. is associated with this event to advance scholarly endeavour. The consortium is proud to host its twelfth international FIFC live meeting for two days at Istanbul Commerce University and Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
Please submit a copy of your manuscript with title page containing the paper title, authors’ affiliation and contact information, and an abstract of no more than 200 words (with full paper). The Programme Committee will detach the cover page to ensure anonymity for blind review process. Please send MS-Word (.docx) version only. Initial target date for full paper submission is any time from when you see this call. We will continue to consider submissions up to Sunday midnight 28th July 2022 for online/live meetings.
For paper writers: • Please submit your full paper (not exceeding 8,000 words) by 28th July 2022 for a review decision by International Review Panel. A quick review decision will be conveyed while Co-authors will also be notified of the decision. • Submit a digital version of a Word file via https://submit.confbay.com/conf/12-th_fifc_2022. Once a paper is accepted, a registration + submission fee of US$50.00 needs to be wired to a bank account to be advised to the corresponding authors. More information is available later at the conference site on how to submit the paper and to register to pay fee.
Several professors identified by the Conference Group will be contacted to consider/accept writing chapters on a specified Green Finance topic with an outline of the chapter to be commissioned. These contributors will prepare power-point files to present their findings during the online meeting, get feedback, then completed revised chapter under 8,000 words two months after the online meeting. • The PPT slide file should be sent to 12fifc2022@gmail.com by 8th August 2022. The authors pre-commissioned to write book chapters will be exempted from the registration fee requirements.
Conference Program Chair, 12fifc2022@gmail.com 12-th Foundation of Islamic Finance Conference Secretariat for FIFC-2022 c/o Sunway University Business School, Sunway University 5 Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, 47500, Selangor, Malaysia; Tel (O): +603-7491-8622