The “FORESIGHT – Future Oriented Education for Students Incorporating GSC in Highpaced Times” project carried out; by the European Union Application and Research Center of our university; was evaluated as successful within the framework of the 2018 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Higher Education Area Strategic Partnerships (Ka203) grant support program of the Turkish National Agency. Within the scope of the project; a training of trainers was held at Fontys University, our project partner in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
The trainers training program of the FORESIGHT project, which aims to develop the capacity to prepare course modules that will provide young people with method knowledge in predicting the future and to transform the future foresights of students into innovative solutions for the business world, was held and succesfully completed between 25-29 November 2019 by the participation of representatives from FORESIGHT project partners Fontys Creative Industries Academy (Netherlands), Karel. de Grote University (Belgium), Del Pais University (Spain) and Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary).
To the training of trainers programme, for representation of our university. The project coordinator of our university and the Head of the Digital Economy and Marketing Department of our university, Dr. Instructor Member of. Ahmet Oğuz Demir, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Figen Yıldırım, Deputy Director of Foreign Trade Institute Assoc. Dr. Öykü Iyigün, Faculty Member of the Department of Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Beliz Ülgen, Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Dr. Instructor Member of. Uğur Yasin Asal and project administrative coordinator Arif Can Asal participated. Academics who successfully completed the training program; were presented with a certificate of achievement by Fontys University