The “FORESIGHT – Future Oriented Education for Students Incorporating GSC in Highpaced Times” project carried out; by the European Union Application and Research Center of our university; was evaluated as successful within the framework of the 2018 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Higher Education Area Strategic Partnerships (Ka203) grant support program of the Turkish National Agency. […]

International Business Ethics Case Competition

This year, Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Law participates as a mixed team in the International Business Ethics Case Competition, which is held annually in the United States by IBECC (International Business Ethics Case Competition), which is protected by Loyola Marymount Ethics and Business Centers, where the universities of students […]

Our Team Brought Runner-Up Award

Our university’s experienced professors and students in Business Administration Department (English) have competed in the “International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition” established by the Institute of Business Ethics and Sustainability at Loyola Marymount University in 1996. As the only university from Turkey; our team has competed with 22 teams from prestigious universities worldwide for […]