CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING SERIES: MAXQDA – Qualitative & Mixed Methods Data Analysis Training
MAXQDA Qualitative & Mixed Methods Data Analysis Training has been scheduled for Istanbul Ticaret University GRADUATE students, within the scope of the “Capacity Building Trainings” series launched in the 2019-2020 Spring term under the responsibility of the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Application and Research Center, to be held on January 16th, 2021 between 1 pm – 6 pm. The training will be given by certified and expert trainers. Participation in the training will be free of charge and the participants will be awarded certificate of participation.
There is a quota on the number of participants that can attend the training. Therefore, our GRADUATE students who would like to attend the training must fill out an application form in advance. The links to the training will be sent to the candidates whose applications are accepted via the e-mails they have declared.
This training program is organized under the sponsorship of ISTAR Consulting.