
Why Mathematics, What is Mathematics?


Everything that exists in the world has mathematics. The real meaning of “mathematics”, which comes to our language from the French word “mathématique” and whose roots are based on the ancient Greek word “máthema”, is “something to be learned, something to be learned”. So, information. In this case, people who are interested in mathematics and deal with it directly become the bearers of the title of being interested in learning/knowing. These carriers are also representatives and practitioners of mathematics, the language in which the universe is written.

Mathematics, the oldest common value of the mind, allows humans to make sense of the order established in the universe. This order includes geography, physics, chemistry, biology, industry, cryptology, engineering and many more. Mathematics, which has been used since ancient times to solve the needs of social life, has always maintained its place at the center of rapidly advancing technological/scientific/econometric developments today. From economics to biology, from design to chemistry, from statistics to physics, from social sciences to cosmology and in many other fields, the role of mathematics is at the center. As a result of rapidly advancing technology, new disciplines related to mathematics have emerged. Cryptology, cyber security, investment planning, imaging of DNA sequences, space sciences and data mining can be listed as just a few of them.

In addition to making the fields it is related to explainable and helping to move them to advanced levels, mathematics can provide answers to questions that have not yet been asked, and also includes beauties within its own circle that can only be explained through art. The beauty of this inclusion is that it can be understood best by those who speak the same language, that is, mathematicians.

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