Tara Scheurwater, Consul General of Canada in Istanbul, was the guest of the “Diplomats Speak” series organized by Istanbul Commerce University Department of Political Science and International Relations. In his speech at the program, our Rector Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit Avşar noted that the “Diplomacy Talks” program, which was initiated in these days when the world needs to understand each other, is very valuable.
The guest of the “Diplomats Speak” series organized by Istanbul Commerce University Department of Political Science and International Relations was Canadian Consul General in Istanbul Tara Scheurwater. Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit Avşar, our Rector Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit Avşar, academicians and many students attended the conversation moderated by Prof. Dr. Başak Özoral. Making the opening speech of the conversation, Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Yasin Asal stated that they hope that the Diplomats Speak program will contribute positively to Canada-Turkey bilateral relations.
In his speech at the opening of the program, our Rector Prof. Dr. Avşar stated that Istanbul Commerce University has students from 87 different countries of the world and that our university is one of the right addresses where diplomacy can be discussed with its cultural richness
Stating that Canada and Turkey have similarities in terms of multiculturalism, Prof. Dr. Avşar said: “Multiculturalism and tolerance have always been one of the fundamental dynamics of our culture. None of the cultures and communities living within the borders of our states have disappeared, and they have had the opportunity to continue their existence without any obstacles until today. This is a unique situation compared to other parts of the world and is the clearest example of the Turks’ respect and tolerance for other nations and cultures.”
Emphasizing that the same respect and tolerance continues today despite all the speculations, Prof. Dr. Avşar said: “In the days we are going through, there is a need to increase the number of countries such as Turkey, which tries to raise its voice on every platform on behalf of the oppressed, and Canada, which is a living example of multiculturalism, tolerance and peaceful coexistence culture. Diplomacy has become much more important for peace and tranquility in the world, and it has become vital to keep diplomacy alive to maintain peace and security in the international system.”
Noting that one of the most important agenda items of Istanbul Commerce University is the vision of internationalization, Prof. Dr. Avşar said, “In this context, we are making bilateral agreements with many universities of the world and trying to create the opportunity to share our knowledge in the field of education. In this context, we signed a protocol with Senaca University, one of the leading universities in Canada.
Consul General Scheurwater shared his experiences about his professional career and motivations, the difficulties he experienced in his diplomatic career and the solutions he found. Scheurwater shared his views on today’s diplomacy, Turkey-Canada relations, current international problems, United Nations, NATO, G20 and G7 in an interactive interview. In the interview, students were also informed about the educational opportunities offered by Canada and the activities of the consulate. The program ended with Consul General Scheurwater answering the questions of our students and taking a group photo.