Luiz Moutinho was at Our University

In the third event of Istanbul Commerce University Science and Society Meetings, one of the world’s leading academicians on digital marketing, bio-marketing and future research, Prof. Dr. Luiz Moutinho gave a lecture on “Multiple Measurements in Management and Marketing”.

Moutinho said that when most companies and academics have a reporting question, consumers talk about remembering themselves when it comes to their answers, it’s about context, it’s always changing because people are multinational.

Expressing that the relationship between stimuli and emotions is measured, Moutinho said, “The human body can be measured. There are many measurement methods here, such as visual reality, virtual reality, and emotional ethnography. How you use these metrics matters. Measurements are not bad. How you use it and for what purpose is important. Everything can be measured more accurately.” he said.

Emphasizing that the evaluation started with the measurement theory and it is important to know this theory, Moutinho said:

“We have to look at the great diversity of measurement. Most of the brands, companies, academics are determined to measure themselves. It is of course important to integrate each of them with self-experience. It is important to integrate the experiencer with the self-remembering.

With audio stress analysis, it is possible to understand your emotion, psychological state, whether you are angry, whether you are hopeless, whether you are bored or not. Eye tracking system is also very important in this field. There is a lot of interest in this area. With the movement analysis of the pupils, feelings of fear and emotion can also be followed.”


Öztürk Oran, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Commerce University, said that it is an honor for them to meet with the leading name of business science and future research, and that they are working to establish solid communication channels between science and society, economy and real sector, trade and academic field.

Oran stated that although Istanbul Commerce University Science and Society Meetings are new, they are an important pool of knowledge and experience in a short time, and said, “Businesses are also changing and renewing in the face of opportunities and threats, just like living organisms. In order to succeed, move forward and grow, businesses have to show this flexibility and change. At the point where it fails to achieve these, it lags, fails, and eventually disappears.” he said.

Emphasizing that all businesses should have basic principles in a wide range from investment decisions to strategic management principles, from financial preferences to budget creation, Oran continued as follows:

“In addition to these rules, we also need a basket of insights. In today’s conditions, businesses with strong forecasts can continue their corporate lives. The success and institutional continuity of businesses depend on the strength of their foresight in this area. For an accurate measurement, theory and practice must be brought together. In other words, I am talking about approximating the natural reflexes of the real sector with the determinations and principles of the scientific field.”

Istanbul Commerce University Rector Prof. Dr. Yücel Oğurlu stated that it is a great honor and privilege to host Moutinho at Istanbul Commerce University.

Oğurlu said, “This conference will be an important trigger to draw our attention to new striking trends and perspectives in scientific research methods and tools related to measurement in management and marketing research fields.” said.

As part of the Science and Society Meetings organized by the university, Prof. Dr. Rafik Beekun and Prof. from Ilmenau Technical University. Dr. Martin Löffelholz was hosted. Within the scope of Science and Society Meetings, which are planned as 16 conferences, the world’s most competent academicians in many fields will be brought together with students and those interested in the field.


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