Marketing Talks 10

The tenth of our Social Sciences Institute Marketing Talks series is by Prof. Dr. You can watch it under the title of “Branding, Women Entrepreneurship” with the participation of Figen Yıldırım and TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board President and Opet Board Founding Member Nurten Öztürk.

Industrial Policies and Technology in Anatolia and the World in the Transition Phase from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic

Under the coordination of the Industrial Policies and Technology program, one of Turkey’s most important historians, Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı gave a conference titled “Industrial Policies and Technology in Anatolia and the World in the Transition Phase from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic”. In his speech, Ortaylı mentioned the development of the industry in […]

Luiz Moutinho was at Our University

In the third event of Istanbul Commerce University Science and Society Meetings, one of the world’s leading academicians on digital marketing, bio-marketing and future research, Prof. Dr. Luiz Moutinho gave a lecture on “Multiple Measurements in Management and Marketing”. Moutinho said that when most companies and academics have a reporting question, consumers talk about remembering […]

Social Sciences Institute 1st Social Sciences Congress

An academic congress was organized by the Institute of Social Sciences in order to encourage the academic studies of students who are pursuing their graduate studies in the field of social sciences. The congress, which was held for the first time on 13 June 2019 this year, was held with the participation of students from […]