Commercial Diplomacy Master

Commercial diplomacy is a wide field in which negotiations are carried out in many ways, solutions are produced, trade and investment agreements are concluded and international cooperation is developed in order to resolve the conflicts affecting international trade in an environment where political and economic disputes exist and the complex structure and relations are increasing.

Undergraduate graduates who have a good command of the terminology in the field of commercial diplomacy, can communicate between cultures, care about entrepreneurship / want to increase their entrepreneurial skills and strengthen the academic side of international trade, should be trained as commercial diplomacy specialists and brought to the public bureaucracy and business world.

In our country, it is an important deficiency that experts with strong academic sides have not been trained so far, and it would be beneficial to eliminate this deficiency as soon as possible. Commercial diplomacy is related to the – interdisciplinary – subjects of trade such as economics, business, international trade, political science and international relations, and covers the entire negotiation processes, together with the economic, commercial and legal environment in which analyzes that improve international trade are made.

Head of Department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Yasin Asal