Industrial Policies and Technology Management Master Program

Industrial Policies and Technology Management Master Program:

(Thesis, Non-Thesis, Online Programs)

“Industry policies” have been successfully implemented especially in East Asia, enabling the countries in this region to rapidly increase their welfare and competitiveness. By means of their industrial policies, these countries have shown the fastest growth rates and development performance in world history.

Industrial policies have manifested in the form of public policies that enable “selected” industrial branches to be supported by various tools in the countries where they are implemented. In line with the public policy at the corporate level, selected industry and technology areas have been analyzed and directed towards these areas. Hence, Technology Management is becoming more important than ever before.

For this reason, Istanbul Commerce University has established the department of Industrial Policies and Technology Management and launched master’s programs. It provides options with thesis, non-thesis and online-distance master’s programs.

The Industrial Policies and Technology Management Master’s Program provides education with courses such as industry 4.0, technological development, R&D Management, Entrepreneurship, as well as curricula that include economic integration and multilateral trade systems.

While the students who participate in the trainings with their “field experiences” establish an important network among themselves, our field experienced higher education staff create an important value by sharing both academic and field experiences. In our program, our students and lecturers work together as a team on EU and other national/internationally supported project studies beyond academic publication. Such a partition that contains multiple disciplines is unique in Turkey.