International Financial Reporting Standards were launched as a response to the “universal finance language” requirement of the globalized world. Countries were encouraged to use them, and uniformity in accounting practices could be reached at a significant level, both with regards to accounting records and financial statements.
Furthermore, the emphasis on corporate governance and audit has led to the creation of high quality International Auditing Standards, which ensured the reliability, transparency and comparability of financial statements at an international level.
Parallel to these global developments, a new Commercial Code was enacted in Turkey. The new code aimed to increase the corporate quality of companies through various measures, such as segregating the functions of shareholding and managing, and ensuring the information flow from the company to its shareholders, creditors, potential investors and stakeholders in addition to fulfilling the legal obligations of accounting.
In line with these developments, the main objective of the accounting and auditing program has been specified as educating and graduating qualified experts equipped with contemporary information and skills; who will be able to keep computerized accounting records and prepare financial statements according to local regulations and international financial reporting standards, interpret those statements, provide financial data to the company’s management and implement the international auditing standards.
Detail information:
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Communication
- Graduate School Of Finance
- Foreign Trade
- Natural And Applied Sciences
- Communication Science and Internet
- Social Sciences