Master’s Program in Business Analytics

Achieving success by transforming data into information and information into business value…

Today, due to globalization and technological developments, the competitive environment, data stacks and fast-moving information flow are constantly increasing. In order to reduce uncertainties by taking advantage of this ever-increasing flow of data and information, there is a great need for expert human resources with analytical skills that produce information that will add value to businesses in the changing and developing business world.

Business Analytics is an accurate and fast solution that creates a business value by transforming high volume data into information, reveals the potential of enterprises, offers different solutions to organizations by providing competitive advantage in performance indicators such as efficiency, profitability, efficiency, and sustainable production processes to provide better products and services that will create added value. It is a discipline that contributes to making decisions and offers institutions a broad definition, foresight, and solution perspective. In this direction, the master’s program in Business Analytics is designed to train the expert manpower by combining theory and practice with the knowledge and analytical skills required by the 21st century.

The Master’s Program in Business Analytics will contribute to the participants in;

  1. Integrating accurate measurement and management of performances related to human resources, technology, change, governance, and business processes,
  2. Observing the current performance of the system and the factors behind it and in developing predictions for the future,
  3. Accessing information on time and making pro-active decisions, rather than reactive,
  4. Focusing efficiently on more complex risk scenarios by automating low-risk processes,
  5. Basing the decisions taken on measurement, research, analysis, and scientific thinking,
  6. Gaining a culture of decision-making based on concrete data and information throughout the institution,
  7. Gaining competitive advantage by gaining the ability to adapt quickly to changing regulations, market, and economic conditions,
  8. Understanding all stakeholders and the market better, gaining new customers,
  9. Determining customer expectations and needs, retaining/recovering customers, developing sales strategies,
  10. Identifying development opportunities related to inefficient areas, determining, and implementing business process changes that allow it to be made more efficient,
  11. Managing, analyzing, and converting data into meaningful information,
  12. Using information correctly and directing it to innovation,
  13. Identifying opportunities that can create added value for the entire institution with the analytical findings obtained from these studies,
  14. Optimizing production, resource use, distribution channels, financial transactions, and risk in an environment of uncertainty,
  15. Generating new solutions to complex workforce problems by bringing an analytical perspective,
  16. Implementing data mining, data visualization and predictive optimization and simulation models to make more effective decisions.