Master’s Program in Family Counseling and Education

As a developing country, Turkey is experiencing rapid economic and social transformation. Although the phenomenon of transformation generally brings positive effects for society, it also generates numerous complications.

In this sense, migration, urbanization, unemployment issues constitute the most common negative results of an economic transformation. ; Developments in mass media and the educational structure of the society, women’s employment and volatilities in mental health affect every part of the society as well as the family. These changes and complications affect the very institution of family as well as the individuals which in turn makes it difficult to maintain the family unity. As a result, domestic violence becomes widespread, the cases of divorces increase, families experience significant difficulties and confusions in controlling and educating their children. For these reasons, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies recognized the need for family counselors and determined the duties and qualifications of family counseling centers and family counselors’ position which must function in line with the regulation published in the official newspaper on 04.09.2012. However, it has also been stated that there remains significant lack of the family counselor employment in social service centers and family counseling centers. To respond to the abovementioned demands this master’s program is aiming to train professional practitioners to be employed in this field.