CFA Society Istanbul, in Our University
2 May 2024
CFA Society Istanbul, in Our University CFA Society Istanbul visited our university this year, as they did last year, to provide information to students about CFA exams, competitions, and scholarship opportunities. Detailed explanations were give...
Our Department Met with ALB Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş.
19 April 2024
Our Department of Finance and Banking and ALB Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. were hosted at our University We welcomed Mr. Barış Eniş, Deputy General Manager of Domestic Markets at ALB Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. and Ms. Ümran Akyüz, Human Resources Manager, to...
Finance and Banking Department Seminar Series -2-
6 March 2023
Finance and Banking Department Seminar Series -2- Within the scope of the Seminar Series-2 of the Department of Finance and Banking, we hosted Prof. Dr. Geoge M. Constantinides from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business with a presen...
Finance and Banking Department Seminar Series -1-
17 January 2023
As of 2023, we are starting the Istanbul Commerce University Finance and Banking department seminar series and invite you to our first seminar titled "IPOs and SPACs: Recent Developments" to be held on Monday, January 23 at 17:00 with the particip...
Capital Markets Licensing Registry and Training Agency Inc. at Our University
4 November 2022
Capital Markets Licensing Registry and Training Agency Inc. at Our University Capital Markets Licensing and Registry Agency (SPL) General Manager Serkan Karabacak met with the students and faculty members of the Finance and Banking department. In...
We hosted CFA Society Istanbul at our University
26 October 2022
CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) Society met with Istanbul Finance and Banking Students Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Business Finance, Banking, Economics and Business Department students came together with the CFA Society Istanbul tea...
Finance and Banking Students Learn Thompson Reuters Database
26 October 2022
As the Finance and Banking department, we started the training and certification process regarding the Thompson Reuters database, which our university has a subscription to. It is aimed that all our students will have certificates along with the e...
40. EBES Conference
29 July 2022
We have successfully organized our fortieth conference on July 6-8, 2022. The conference was organized with the support of the Istanbul Economic Research Association in hybrid mode with both online and in-person presentation at the Istanbul Ticare...
Finance and Banking Department 2nd Financial Technology Seminar
2 July 2022
Finance and Banking Department 2nd Financial Technology Seminar Onur Cem Gökmen, CEO of E-fonla, Founding Partner and Product Manager of Suggestive Robo Consulting Haluk Özek, and Moderator Associate Professor Dr. Ayben Koy, will be at Sütlüce Ca...
International Cryptocurrency Conference
2 July 2022
International Cryptocurrency Conference With the participation of  Associate Professor Ayben Koy, the conference on "The Effects of Cryptocurrencies on Global Financial Markets and Turkey" will be broadcast live on IZU Youtube channel on Sunday, ...