Social Sciences Institute 1st Social Sciences Congress

An academic congress was organized by the Institute of Social Sciences in order to encourage the academic studies of students who are pursuing their graduate studies in the field of social sciences. The congress, which was held for the first time on 13 June 2019 this year, was held with the participation of students from many disciplines such as Public Law, Advertising and Strategic Brand Communication, Media and Communication, and Business. The congress was attended by the Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Figen Yıldırım, Prof. Dr. Ali Gorener, Dr. Instructor Member Adnan Veysel Ertemel and our university students attended. In the organizing committee of the organization, Assistant Director of the Institute of Social Sciences. Dr. Instructor Member Yunus Özcan, Dr. Gencay Karakaya and Faruk Yazar took part.

Making the opening speech of the program, Organizing Committee Chairman Dr. Instructor Yunus Özcan, its member, said, “The congress we organize as the Social Sciences Institute will continue to be held with the participation of students who will enter the thesis defense twice a year in the spring and fall semesters. Our main goal is to continue to contribute to the academic and intellectual development of our students. At the end of the program, students who presented papers were presented with a certificate of participation. It was stated that the papers presented at the congress will be published as a digital book later.


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