The Advertising and Strategic Brand Communication offers a graduate program designed to foster skilled and qualified human resources while seeking to integrate theory, knowledge, research and practice to increase understanding and improve learning in a variety of educational settings and related fields.
In this line, our program encompasses research, study and teaching beyond the bachelor’s degree and welcomes applicants who desire to excel in academics and sector-focused training. The course of study is created to keep up with digital communication trends (digital marketing, social media, digital advertising, online consumer behaviour, etc.), scientific studies at national and international levels and complement the theoretical knowledge with insights acquired from advertising and strategic brand professionals.
Our program aspires to train candidates to be professional perspective-takers, visionary marketers, strategic decision makers and creative conceptual thinkers. Established by the Social Sciences Institute at Istanbul Commerce University, Advertising and Strategic Brand Communication is recognized as the first graduate program offered by Social Sciences Institutes around Turkey.
Instructed by a highly specialized academic staff, our program not only offers in-class professional meetings but also a dynamic curriculum designed to adapt to sectoral changes and as it is strategically designed to integrate marketing, advertising, brand and digital disciplines we strongly believe our graduates will benefit from this multidisciplinary program. We look forward to welcoming prospective students.
Prof.Dr.Nurettin Güz
Head of Public Relations and Advertising Department
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Communication
- Graduate School Of Finance
- Foreign Trade
- Natural And Applied Sciences
- Communication Science and Internet
- Social Sciences