Course Description Forms

1st Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

LNG117 General English 1 (2 0 2 2 G)
Baby Talk, Child Development, Face Reading, Psychology, A language for Women only, Antrophology, Litereature, Computer Science, Law , Internet, Cell phones,Sociology, Cosmeotology, Music, Math, Geometry, Beauty, Information Technology, Environmental Studies, Aviaton, Engineering.

GNL105 Turkish Language 1 (2 0 2 2 G)
The concept of language. Relationship between language and thought. Relationship between language and culture. World languages (Terms of origin and structure). The historical development of the Turkish language. The structure of the Turkish language. Today’s Turkish. The act of writing and composition information. Spelling Rules. The correct expression. Turkish language as the language of science, and science. Turkish poetry and poetic language.

FEF111 Physics 1 (4 0 3 4 TB)
Physical units, vectors, Newton’s Laws, Work and Energy, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics, Equilibrium, Oscillations and Waves, Gravitation.

FEF121 Physics Lab. 1 (0 2 1 3 TB)
Application of fundamental physics that has been studied in Physics 1 Course.

MAT121 Mathematical Analysis 1 (4 0 4 7 TB)
Functions, Limits, Continuity, derivatives, derivation rules, applications of derivative, integral, definite integrals and their properties, Applications of Integrals, Improper Integrals.

MEE113 Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering (2 0 2 5 M)
Analog and digital electronics, sensors, inverters, actuators, and microcontrollers to include mechatronics will be logged. Students can use the core elements that make up the basic concepts and mechatronic systems. Students in laboratory experiments and measurement systems components

BIL131 Programming 1 (2 2 3 7 M)
Flow charts and pseudo-codes. The C programming language. Editor’s usage. Data types and memory representation. The creation of user-defined functions and parameter transfer of functions. Dynamic arrays. Dynamically using of memory. Strings and String Functions. Functions that operate on strings and the memory area. The demonstrators.

2nd Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

LNG118 General English 2 (2 0 2 2 G)
Best Selling Medicines, Fighting Diseases, Saving from death, Behavioral Science, Animal Studies, Health Care, Physiology, Food and Nutrition, Culinary Arts, Biology, Criminal Justice, Language Studies,Technology, Sport and Fitness

GNL106 Turkish Language 2 (2 0 2 2 G)
General characteristics of text types. In Turkish Literature, novels, short stories, plays, criticism. Oral presentation, panels, discussions, panels, symposiums. Rules on oral narratives, examples. Assessing student work on the types of oral and written expression, Repeats.

FEF112 Physics 2 (3 0 3 4 TB)
Electrical charges, Coulomb law, Elecrical field and potantial,Gauss Law, Electrical currents and resistance, DC devices, Magnetic Force, Magnetic Field Courses , Electromagnetic induction,AC circiuts, RLC circiut analysis, Maxwell Equitions.

FEF121 Physics Lab. 2 (0 2 1 3 TB)
Application of fundamental physics that has been studied in Physics 2 Course.

MAT122 Mathematical Analysis 2 (4 0 4 7 TB)
Sequences and Series, Power series, series expansion of functions, multivariate functions, partial derivatives, double and triple integrals, vectors, vector-valued functions, business account and line integrals, Green´s Theorem, surface integrals, Stokes´ Theorem, Divergence Theorem.

ENG126 Engineering Mathematics 1 (3 0 3 5 TB)
With engineering applications, linear equations, matrices, matrix operations. The solution of linear systems. Determinants and their properties. Real vector spaces, linear independence, homogeneous systems. A variety of engineering applications of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

BIL132 Programming 2 (2 2 3 4 M)
Data processing method of computers, If, While, For loops, matrix operations through For loop, complex matrix operations through For loop, image processing application examples, complex operation examples by utilizing arrays and matrices, graphic generation examples by utilizing loops, curve fitting examples, examples of numerical derivation and integration, convergence of a function to a limit, visual data processing examples.

GNL112 City and Culture Istanbul (2 0 2 3 G)
The individual´s recognition of the city, protect the city along with the sense of concern, to gain a multi-dimensional personality by developing social and cultural awareness.

3rd Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

GNL101 Ataturk’s Principles and Hist of Revolution 1 (2 0 2 2 G)
Turkis Independence War, Atatürk’s Revolutions and Principles, Thought System of Atatürk and giving right information about Turkish Republic, Turkey and Atatürk’ Revolutions and Principles, giving right information about Atatürk’s thoughts, uniting Turkish Youth around national goals and about unsperatable unity of the Country, Nation and Government with Atatürk’ Revolutions and Principles.

EEE223 Electronic Circuits (3 1 3,5 6 M)
Physical circuits. Impedance, current, power and energy definition and modeling their waveforms. Kirchoff’s laws: Current and voltage equations. Impedance and current relations. Circuit graphs. Ideal circuit elements. Modeling of physical elements. RLC circuit analysis, Bode plot. Passive filters. Semiconductors: Diodes, BJT’s, Mosfets, Thyristors. Amplifier circuits. Operational amplifiers.

MEE217 Material and Manufacturing Technologies (3 0 3 5 M)
Ibasic materials and manufacturing technology, Metal casting technology, forming processes, Sheet metal processing, machining, Assembly procedures and modern manufacturing methods, Machine-tool production, Work place, Work-piece, Process and process characteristics, Factors affecting processes.

MEE231 Strength of Materials (3 0 3 6 TB,M)
General information about the strength of materials, the normal force, shear force and bending moment diagrams, state of the normal force; indeterminate systems; stresses caused by temperature change; vertical displacement; uniaxial stress state, the biaxial stress state, the plane strain state of stress at a point transformation and analysis the internal pressure effect thin rings, cylindrical tanks, beams, stress, deflection and rotation of joists and beams dimensioning

MEE207 Thermodynamics (3 0 3 6 TB,M)
The first and the second law of thermodynamic systems, the use of engineering applications of thermodynamics

ENG227 Engineering Mathematics 2 (3 0 3 5 TB)
First order differential equations: differential equations and mathematical models, integrals and their general and specific solutions. Mathematical models and numeric methods. High-order linear differential equations, mechanical vibrations, non-homogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients. Introduction to systems of differential equations, first-order systems and applications. Linear differential equations. Laplace Transform.

4th Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

GNL102 Ataturk’s Principles and Hist of Revolution 2 (2 0 2 2 G)
Turkis Independence War, Atatürk’s Revolutions and Principles, Thought System of Atatürk and giving right information about Turkish Republic, Turkey and Atatürk’ Revolutions and Principles, giving right information about Atatürk’s thoughts, uniting Turkish Youth around national goals and about unsperatable unity of the Country, Nation and Government with Atatürk’ Revolutions and Principles.

MEE216 Measurement and Instrumentation (3 0 3 5 TB,M)
Measuring conditions. Typical phases of the development of the professional devices. Special-purpose devices and auxiliary unitsdesign. Numerical approach to instrumentation. Value collection systems

MEE242 Dynamics (3 0 3 6 TB,M)
Hamilton’s principle, the Euler-Lagrange equations, the problem of Kepler bound states and scattering, rigid bodymovement, the Euler equations, special relativity, Hamilton’s equations, canonical transformations, Poisson brackets,Hamilton-Jacobi theory, small oscillations and continuum mechanics.

MEE240 Machine Elements (4 0 4 7 M)
Standard and non-standard parts used in machine technology,stresses during use of components,The use of fasteners and accounting methods

ENG102 Technical Drawing (2 2 3 5 M)
Engineering drawing techniques, technical standards, aircraft, perspective drawings, point, line, and design The relations between the plane geometry, cross-sectional view of the drawing, scaling, tolerances, mechanical technical diagrams,Basic information on the CAD drawing, 3D objects projection drawing

ENG211 Numerical Analysis (3 0 3 5 TB)
Absolute Error, Relative Error, Matrix Operations, Solution of linear systems, Matrix Inverse Method, Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan method, Inverse matrix, LU, Indirect methods, Jacobi method, Gauss-Seidel iteration, The existence of solutions and uniqueness of the problem, The solution of systems of nonlinear equations, Curve fitting, Numerical differentiation.

GNL301 Internship 1 (0 0 0 6)

5th Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

MEE321 Modelling and Simulation (3 0 3 5 M)
Simulation analysis and decision making, simulation analysis elements. Development of simulation models,simulation languages for modeling, analytical models and simulation. The creation of simulation modelsand verification. Data collection and analysis, random number generation, testing and implementation of the model.Using simulation models: output analysis, model testing and optimization,

MEE343 Fluid Mechanics (3 0 3 5 TB,M)
To reveal the purpose of fluid mechanics, fluid mechanics inspect parts, Define types of fluid, examine the characteristics of fluids, Lagrange and Euler equations to explain, analyze laminar flows, turbulent flows to examine, Being able to dimension analyze

ENG231 Probabilistic Methods in Engineering (3 0 3 5 TB)
The multiplication rule, permutations, combinations. Sigma algebra, probability axioms, conditional probability, Bayes formula. Distribution function, probability function, the Chebyshev inequalityuniform, Bernoulli, Poisson, geometric, hypergeometric distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, gamma, beta distributions. Generating Functions. Decision Theory. The concept of estimation. Hypothesis Testing. Correlation and Regression.

EEE325 Signal Processing (3 0 3 5 M)
Signs and properties; signal processing, sampling, signal power and energy, convolution; systems and features, time and frequency domain analysis of continuous-time periodic signals, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, time and frequency domain analysis of discrete-time signals, Fourier series and Fourier transformations, Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform, system frequency response, Z-transform.

Area Elective 1 (3 0 3 5 M)

Area Elective 2 (3 0 3 5 M)

6th Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

EEE306 Microprocessor Based Systems Design (3 0 3 5 M)
CPU, memory circuits, programmable I / O, interrupt working with I / O, Direct memory access, microcomputer programming, assembly and machine language, memory addressing, sample applications, a single-chip computer and programming, microcontroller-controlled system project

EENM424 Engineering Optimization (3 0 3 5 M)
Operations Research and Developmentsdeterministic and probabilistic models, graphics,algebraic, simplex methods, revised simplex method, some of the linear programming solution, linearformulated programming models, linear programming models, decoding,software and its uses,duality and dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis, transportation, transfer, assignment, network models and techniques specific solutions.

MEE322 Control System Design (3 0 3 5 M)
Review of linear algebra and system theory: stability, norms, linear spaces. Model reduction. Performance specifications and limitations, uncertainty and robustness. Robust stability and performance criteria, mu analysis and synthesis. n introduction to Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) and semi-definite programming. Application of LMIs in H2 and Hinf optimal control and filtering problems, l1 control.
MEE332 Industrial Automation (3 0 3 5 M)
Industrial control systems, SCADA systems, relay logic, sensors, secondary converters, amplifiers, PLCs,industrial robots, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, servo motors, CNC, automatic control, CAD, Matlab

Area Elective 3 (3 0 3 5 M)

Area Elective 4 (3 0 3 5 M)

GNL302 Internship 2 (0 0 0 6 )

7th Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

MEE441 Robotics (3 0 3 6 M)
General introduction to the topic robots, industrial robots, sensors, actuators, and homogeneous coordinate systemstransformations, forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, dynamic, independent joint control, multivariablecontrol, force control.

ENG401 Design Project (0 4 2 9 M)
Teamwork, team dynamics, team norms and communication, effective meetings, preparation and quality evaluation. Innovative problem-solving methods, problem recognition / identification and solution generation, solution selection methods, selection methodology, solution implementation, evaluation of the application. Learning levels and degrees of internalization. Ethical decisions. design projects.

MEE411 Digital Control (3 0 3 5 M)
Mathematical models of digital control systems, difference equations, Z-transform, and vice versa, discrete-timesystems of equations of state and high-order difference equation with state representation,pulse transfer functions and solving equations obtaining situation, numerical control systems, the blockdiagrams

Area Elective 5 (3 0 3 5 M)

Area Elective 6 (3 0 3 5 M)

8th Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

EEE336 Power Electronics (3 0 3 5 M)
Switching circuits and basic concepts of power electronics. Diode, SCR, Triacs, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT´s operational characteristics. Controlled and uncontrolled one and three phase rectifiers. DC choppers. Inverters, one and three phase inverters, pulse width modulation and voltage regulation. AC choppers. Cycloconverters. Protection and snubber circuits. Parallel and series operation of switches.

ENG402 Graduation Project (0 4 2 9 M)
Literature Survey, First Report, Practical Work, circuit testing, Interim Report, start to type the last report, the consultant teacher’s initial approval, the project delivery.

MEE444 Machine Dynamics and Vibrations (3 0 3 6 M)
Mass and center of mass, Mass moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem, D’Alembert principle, The energy method, Machines, Static and dynamic forces, Bond forces, The dynamic behavior analysis of machines: machines moveequation, The input torque control machines and flywheel calculation, Static balancing, Dynamic balancing, Full Forcebalance, The effect of the balance input torque.

Area Elective 7 (3 0 3 5 M)

Area Elective 8 (3 0 3 5 M)

GNL450 Vocational Seminars (2 0 2 0 G)

Fall Term Area Elective Courses

EEE203 Logic Circuits (3 0 3 5 M)
Large signal transistor models, TTL, MOS and CMOS logic gates. input and output circuits, NAND and NOR gates. Static and dynamic analysis. Renewing circuits: astable, monostable, bistable Multivibrators, Schmitt triggers. Introduction to VLSI

EEE451 Digital Image Processing (3 0 3 5 M)
Linear systems, probability, unitary transformations and image expression (DFT, DCT, Walsh-Hadamard, KLT), Point processes of image enhancement, histogram processing, spatial filtering, frequency domain filtering, Restoration, Reconstruction, the Radon transform, filtered gerikestirim, the deterioration, modeling, and image segmentation (pixel-based, edge-based and region-based), image compression, pattern recognition.

MEE413 Electro-Mechanical Systems (3 0 3 5 M)
Electromagnetic fields created by AC electric machine windings: pulsating and rotating magnetic fields, emf induced in a winding. Induction machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, speed control. Synchronous machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, stability. Single-phase induction machines. Special electrical machines, DC machines

EEE321 Communication Theory (3 0 3 5 M)
Random Variables, Stochastic Processes, Gauss Processes, Transmission of Stochastic Processes Through Linear Systems, Spectral Density, Autocorrelation Functions, Crosscorrelation Functions, Classification of Noise, Noise Processes, Narrow Band Noise, Noise in Communication Systems, Noise in Amplitude Modulation System, Noise in Frequency Modulation System, Noise in Pulse Code Modulation Modulation System, Optical Communication Systems, Antenna Communication Systems, Performance of Communication Systems, Optimization of Communication System, Seminar.

EEE300 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (3 0 3 5 M)
Practical view of Electromagnetics / MAgnetic Circuits / Concepts of Energy and Power / Principle of Virtual Work / Energy and Coenergy and their magnetic applications / Generalized Electromechanical Equations and their computer aided solution / Simple Electromechanical Systems / Sigle and dual excited systems / Electromechanical evolution of temporary electric machines.

EEE411 Energy Distribution Systems (3 0 3 5 M)
Energy Distribution, Types of Energy Distribution Networks, Load Characteristics, Voltage Drop and Power Losses, Radial Networks, Mesh Networks, Underground Cables and Current Carrying Capacity Criteria, Short Circuits, Busbars.

EEE305 FPGA Based System Design (3 0 3 5 M)
CMOS digital circuit design, fundamental VLSI concepts, board level digital electronics, ASIC vs FPGA vs CPU, HDL vs Schematic, Verilog language, Data Flow Graphs, RTL design, timing optimization, area optimization, synthesis, verification, capturing functional and timing specs from a loose design problem, deciding if an FPGA is the right choice, designing electronic systems around FPGAs.

EEE323 High Voltage Techniques (3 0 3 5 M)
Definition and generation of H. Voltages, Measurements of H. Voltages / The analyzing of H. Voltage Systems / Fields in Multidielectric, dielectric refraction / Breakdown, partial breakdown, corona discharges / Loss factor in dielectrics and measurement of loss factor.

EEE407 Electrical Power Generation and Distribution Systems (3 0 3 5 M)
The Basic Rules of Electrical Energy Production, Types of Power Plants, Hydro Electric, Steam, Gas Power Plants and Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants. Site Selection for Power Plants, Identification of Installed Capacity and Unit Number. Electrical Energy Economics and Basic Concepts, Daily and Yearly Ordered Load Curves. Electrical Energy Production Cost Calculations (TL/kWh) in according to Power Plant Types. Optimal Operation for Power Plants Energy Distribution, Types of Energy Distribution Networks, Load Characteristics, Voltage Drop and Power Losses, Radial Networks, Mesh Networks, Underground Cables and Current Carrying Capacity Criteria, Short Circuits, Busbars.

EEE417 Biomedical Signals (3 0 3 5 M)
The aim of the course is to teach students that what is the biomedical engineering and computer applications in medicine, their research areas, biomedical data processing techniques

EEE427 Introduction to Modulation and Coding (3 0 3 5 M)
Introduction, Cellular Structure, Wireless Communication Systems and Standards, Channel Models in Wireless Communications, Frequency Selective and Nonselective (Flat) Channels, Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels, Simulation Techniques for Wireless Communications, Digital Modulation Techniques, Digital Transmission over Fading Channels, Error Performance Analysis, Diversity Techniques, MIMO Systems, Coding for Fading Channels, Interleaving, Space-Time Codes, Multi-carrier Modulation, OFDM, CDMA
EEE403 Active Filter Design (3 0 3 5 M)
Filter fundamentals, The approximation problem, Active elements, Realization of first- and second-order functions using opamps, Realization of high-order functions, Simulation of LC ladder filters using opamps, Wave active filters, Single operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) filters, Two integrator loop OTA-C filters, OTA-C filters based on ladder simulation, Multiple integrator loop feedback OTA-C filters, Current-mode filters and other architectures.

EEE419 Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering (3 0 3 5 M)
Biomechatronic design principles, neurobiological control structures, biological sensors in biomechatronic applications, mechanical sensors in biomechatronic applications, controllers, actuators in biomechatronic applications, biological signal processing techniques, the human-machine and brain-computer interface design, biomedical devices, artificial organs, medical robots, rehabilitation robots, assistive robots, control techniques for medical robots

EEE425 Electrical Machine Drives (3 0 3 5 M)
Explaining the lesson and importance of energy efficiency for usage at electrical drives/ Start methods for induction motors/ Induction motor drives structure and components/ Induction motor control methods scaler and vectorel control/ ACS 350 drive structure and uses interfaces, application macros/ ACS800-04 and ACS 800-11 drives structure and user interfaces/ Induction generator sychronization

EEE457 Introduction to Cryptography (3 0 3 5 M)
Foundations of modern crytography, History of Cryptosystems, Basic Cryptographic Algotihms,

MEE446 Machine Learning (3 0 3 5 M)
Supervised learning algorithms to discriminate, inductive algorithms, Support Vector Machines, Learning TheoryRegulation and model selection, online learning and perceptron algorithm, unsupervised learning, k-means clustering, Gaussian mixture, the EM algorithm, the multiplier analysis, Principal component analysis, independent componentsanalysis, reinforcement learning and adaptive control

BIL459 Computer Arithmetic (3 0 3 5 M)
In this course, computer arithmetic algorithms and circuits used in the implementation of the detailed examination of the theory and design were focused. Students must take the following actions: To understand and develop base arithmetic algorithms and to realise them in the arithmetic circuits To analyze the performance of real number recognition and different number systems using trading skills development To understand of computer theory underlying theory of the finite automata theory, push down automata theory, Turing theory To recognize these models and applicate them in computer science and abstract thinking.

BIL452 Artificial Intelligence (3 0 3 5 M)
Issues related to Internet and Web programming, teaching students to write dynamic web pages and the structure of the teaching of working.

Spring Term Area Elective Courses

ENM346 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3 0 3 5 M)
Introduction to Computer Integrated Production, Manufacturing Institute, Manufacturing Systems, Product Design, Manufacturing Engineering, DesignAutomation, Manufacturing Process Equipments and Systems, Manufacturing Handling Equipment and Systems

MEE348 Heat And Mass Transfer (3 0 3 5 M).
Introduction to heat transfer, conduction heat transfer input, Conduction heat transfer: solid objects with different geometriesin a one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction, conduction heat transfer, time-dependent heat transfer analysis, emissions and heattransfer inlet, spread over the surface of the heat transfer analysis, the transmission in closed tanks, heat trans free transmission analysis, Radiation heat exchange

BIL 462 Artificial Neural Networks (3 0 3 5 M)
Artificial neural systems: Neural computation, history of ANS development. The basic concepts and models of ANS: Biological nerves, ANS models, Neural Process of learning and adaptation, the neural network learning rules. Single-layer neural classifiers. Multi-layer feed-forward networks. Single-layer networks with feedback. The associative memories. Maps and self-organizing networks. Neural algorithms and systems applications. Implementation of neural networks.

MEE445 Metaheuristic Algorithms (3 0 3 5 M)
Introduction to search and optimization, evolutional algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, artificial immune system, nature inspired algorithms, hybrid approaches, constraints, kısıtlar, netaheuristics and other nature inspired calculation methods: metaheuristics and other nature-inspired calculation methods: armoni search, bee algorithms, firefly algorithm

MEE448 Computer Aided Analysis (3 0 3 5 M)
Geometric modelling and computer-aided synthesis: cad systems, geometric modelling and curve modelling, building wire-frame models, building surface models, solid modelling, rapid prototyping and manufacturing. Computer-aided engineering of product: fundamentals of analysis of mechanical systems, basic methods of computer-aided engineering, advanced methods, finite difference method, finite element analysis, engineering applications of cad systems. Computer software applications and sample projects.

EEE328 Digital Signal Processing (3 0 3 5 M)
Analysis of discrete time signals and discrete time based system design

EEE422 Design of Electrical Machines (3 0 3 5 M)
Electric Machine Types, Basics of Magnetics, Basics of Electromecahics, Materials in Electric Machines, Computer softwares for Electric Machine design, Electric Machine Design Applications: Induction Machines, Brushless DC Machines, Synchronous Machines.

EEE432 Process Control (3 0 3 5 M)
Introduction to process control, Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams(P&ID), concepts of automatic control and digital control systems, single and multi variable process control, common process control elements: mixing tank, heat exchanger, distillation columns, frequency domain analysis, PID control systems, illustration process control applications.

EEE438 Industrial Electronics (3 0 3 5 M)
Power Supplies, Sensors, Operational Amplifiers and Application Circuits, Analog Digital Converters, Digital Analog Converters, PLC and PLC’s Peripherals, PLC’s software, Circuit components in the industrial electronics.

EEE442 Medical Imaging (3 0 3 5 M)
Nuclear radiation and radioactivity. Fundamentals of nuclear radiation detection and measurement. Biological effects of radiation and radiotherapy. Medical image reconstruction techniques. Computerized tomography. Ultrasonic imaging. Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Laser applications. Thermography.

EEE446 Telecommunication Electronics (3 0 3 5 M)
Characteristics of a telephone channel, Cental switching, Fundamental components of telephony infrastructure, characteristic of local loop, Protection circuits, Ring dedectors, Speech circuits, Pulse and DTMF dialing, 2-4 wire converters, SLIC, DTMF detection, caller ID, PCM codecs, Analog and Digital switching, Multiplexing on Trunks, Signalling, In-Band Signalling ,CCS, Channel Associated Signalling, CAS, SS7, STP exchanges, Modems, ADSL

EEE456 Satellite Communications (3 0 3 5 M)
Introduction to satellite communications, Comparison of transmission Technologies, Satellite orbit types, Geostationary satellite orbits,RF satellite link calculations, Multiple Access techniques used in satellite communications,Satellite transponders, Satellite earth stations, Communication problems in satellite communications, Interference, Mobile satellite networks.

BIL352 Computer Architecture (3 0 3 5 M)
This course gives information about pipelining, paging,mapping methods of cache memory, characteristic of parallelarchitectures and parallel rogramming with MessagePassing Interface (MPI)

EEE454 Cryptographic Applications (3 0 3 5 M)
Symmetric Key Cryptosystems, Hash Algorithms, Encryption Schemes, Open Key Cryptosystems, Digital Signatures, Key Distributions Systems, Key Agreement and Secret Sharing, Quantum Cryptography

BIL321 Data Communication (3 0 3 5 M)
Data compression and transmission, Network structures and Layers, Physical layer, Data link layer, Circuit and packet switched networks, Routing, Internet, Examples from Communication Networks, Standards and Protocols

MAT316 Number Theory (3 0 3 5 M)
Mathematical Induction, Divisibility, Primes and Their Distribution, Congruence Systems, The Chinese Remainder Theorem Fermat’s Theorem, Number-Theoretic Functions, Euler’s Generalization of Fermat’s Theorem, Primitive Roots and Indices, Continued Fraction, Quadratic residues and Jacobi symbol


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