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SEPIP 2021 Makale Çağrısı (Call for Papers)




Dear Professor / Researcher,


The objective of the Smart Economic Planning and Industrial Policy (SEPIP) Conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, regulators and policy makers from the globe with a view to share results of academic studies, exchange views, share experiences and discuss fresh ideas on industrial policy, economic planning, and related contemporary tools to support economic development and national competitiveness.


SEPIP 2021 to be held between 13-15 October, 2021 at OSTİM Technical University, will be comprised of two sections:

(Speakers may attend the conference either physically or online)


1)Sessions and keynote speeches (13th October & 14th October)


2)Scientific paper presentations and workshop (14th October & 15th October)


The main theme of SEPIP 2021 is Varieties of Industrialization.


Sub themes are as follows:

  • The spread of agro-industrialization along with the newly agriculturizing economies (NAEs),
  • New sources of productivity linkages across industry and high technology services,
  • Can a services-led industrialization be a new opportunity for the developing world? Or is it a farce?
  • Varieties of industrialization pathways across time and space,
  • Is there a certain type of successful industrialization?
  • Premature deindustrialization in the world,
  • What are the relationships between varieties of industrialization and varieties of capitalism which has been a trending topic in economics literature in the last decade?
  • What are the effects of main choices of macroeconomic policy in a given country on its industrialization process?
  • Does the policy set of Washington Consensus contribute or not, to the industrialization process of developing countries? Or does it trigger deindustrialization? How does its imposition result after four decades of its hegemony?
  • Translation of a country’s experience of industrialization to other countries,
  • The Political Economy of Industrialization, Sustainable Industrial Development, Capital-intensive vs labor-intensive industrialization.


We invite you to submit your abstract (final version) or work-in-progress papers for evaluation by our scientific committee  to https://www.ostimteknik.edu.tr/sepip-2021-1131/848 until 31 August, 2021.


Fee for scientific papers presentations is 100€. The accepted papers will be announced at sepip.org and http://sepip2021.ostimteknik.edu.tr/



Please, remember the following important dates:


               Dates                                              Explanation

  • 31 August 2021                     Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 10 September 2021               Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
  • 24 September 2021               Final Paper Submission Deadline
  • 02 October 2021                   Final Program
  • 13-15 October 2021              Conference Dates




SEPIP 2021 Organization Committee

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