MA in Economics program is designed for raising potent candidates of economists for any relevant field. First year mandatory courses are structured to equip students with the theoretical and analytical skills such that they can firmly comprehend the most challenging and up to date economic problems. Built upon these skills, students in their second year are expected to choose elective courses according to their areas of interest. Required and elective courses as well as the master’s thesis (or final projects) will provide students at least one area of specialization. Among the specialization fields are international trade and finance, capital markets, money and banking, growth and development as well as industrial organization.
Graduates of the MA in Economics program are expected to hold suitable positions at different sectors such as academic institutions, public sector organizations (such as Turkish Treasury, Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey, or Capital Markets Board), or banking and financial institutions in the private sector.
Upon a successful completion of the program, our graduates will earn the opportunity to work as a specialist in the economic research departments at various institutions my the means of necessary knowledge of economic theory and empirics. In addition to aforementioned career opportunities, graduates of the program may pursue their academic career under a doctorate program following their master’s degree.
- Başvuru Koşulları
- İktisat İngilizce Tezli YL Ders Programı
- İktisat İngilizce Tezsiz YL Ders Programı
- 2024-2025 Akademik Yılı İktisat İngilizce Tezli ve Tezsiz YL Müfredatı
- Ders Tanıtım Formu
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Öğrenci İşleri
İktisat (İngilizce) (Tezli ve Tezsiz) Yüksek Lisansı Programı Sorumlusu Sümeyye Filiz – 444 0 413 Dahili: 4437